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Any ideas to shut her up?

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Guest born to run1083

there are some very basic methods that can solve this and as said in the pm very easy to sort and break the habit which will mean your be able to sleep lol I can say 100% the reason for why her behaviour Is this way and If you give me a call on the number i sent you i'l talk you through the process, then it's in your capable hands to rectify the issues

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Even your banging the crate with a paper is giving attention. Negative attention, but still attention.

Be prepared for some hard work. Settle the pup as you want it. Maybe leave a chew or toy. Leave the room.

Let the whining begin. Walk through the room. Ignore the pup, don't even make eye contact.

Fiddle with something in the room, you're there for anything but the pup. Don't talk to it, look at it, acknowledge it.

Make yourself busy until pup settles down. Leave the room.

Rinse and repeat. You may find yourself in and out the room for a couple of hours, but that time will shorten.

You are home all the time, the pup is just wanting you there all the time and needs to learn to be alone.

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I will phone mate had to run to the vets yesterday with my mates dog and then settle her as she was flipping her lid with the neighobur so didnt want to leave her cos she would have got herself arrested.i would just leave her free but she can get through the dog gate and open doors nothings safe with her.I leave her toys and a chew or a kong in the crate as i cant leave them loose with the other 2 in case they fight over it.she has a great dane sized crate so not as if shes in a wee carte or anything she has room to play shes only very small and i leave the radio on etc.Skycat i do feed her quite late on not too late though or she would crap the crate and i let her run round in the back green for a while she is just so determined to have her own way and im close to being beaten i never give in to her or let her in after ive settled her i always stick to my guns and the other 2 are in the room with her so shes not alone so to speak.I cant understand it shes been in a crate since she was born its not a new thing to her and she has her own chenille bed thing out the pet shop and her teddy (A huge teddy knocked of my daughter lol) yet any other time shes an angel shes great off lead good in other peoples houses when we go visiting and loves kids etc ignore cats outside and walks like a dream.more or less fully toilet trained and only chews the odd sock or whatever nothing major really just this one bad habit i need to break

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