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best shot to kill ratio

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Just managed my best shot to kill ratio today


11 shots ------- 9 birds


Just recently picked up a Remington 1100 12g semi auto for hide shooting and it fits me like a glove.


Makes up for all those other times when i have been and all i managed to do was hit fresh air .



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Best I've had was last year on rape stubble,76 shots and picked up 60dead, but yesterday was terrible 12 for 7. By end of havest and drilling i hope to shoot a hundred on my own with same amount of shells or pretty close to, only get into the hundreds on the odd days when two of us are shooting and they are dropping in ten at a time,the hot spot is not cut yet I keep nipping outside to look if they see if they have started it yet,it's only a fifty acre field but it seems to attract them by the thousand,I put it down to a long wood, maybe a decent flight line,they pull straight in to the magnets,same every year,


larger fields,

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Back out with the remington 1100 the other day, 3 geese 5 shots, and last night on the ducks (and crows on the way back) 2 for one on the ducks, 3 for 3 on the crows, god i love this gun.


In fact my misses has just shouted the goose is ready. :thumbs:

Edited by andyp
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My usual ratio of kills to misses is around 1 to 1.5, sometimes a bit better on a good day. I use a Winchester English Field 12g with fairly open chokes over decoys and seem to do OK. I have wanted a traditional short barrelled skeet gun for some time and last week managed to buy a Miroku 800S. It has 26 inch barrels and the chokes are the equivalent of slightly open 1/4 and 1/4. I fired over decoys on stubble on a local farm just to try it out and got 9 from 9! I then went to the skeet ground and broke the first 8 clays. My results are calming down a bit now, 5 from 6 last time over the decoys but I cannot get over how well this `new' gun (1974) seems to suit me. I keep the range down to about 30 yards and use 30g or 32g no. 6 cartridges. I just wish this wind would drop so that I could get out there again!



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