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Tale or truth??

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I went out last night with the dog and even though it was a still night I managed to bag 19 rabbits out of about 25 runs. The dog was on fire, really did me proud. Some of the runs were amazing and he retrieved them all live to hand. Cant wait until conditions are right so I can get out again.



Now this was a made up story, but how many posts do you see like this without the evidence to back it up? I personally think owners should let there dogs speak words for them, as all we know anybody can talk the talk! I mean my dogs not amazing I go out catch a few rabbits with him and Im happy. But it seems some people in the hunting world feel the need to make up storys and tell tales of crap about so called wonder dogs! Again without the evidence to back it up, my dogs done this my dogs done that, but wheres the proof? They usually say ask my mate or so an so haha. But fortunatly Im not that that green to see that its all lies. How about your selfs?

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I went out last night with the dog and even though it was a still night I managed to bag 19 rabbits out of about 25 runs. The dog was on fire, really did me proud. Some of the runs were amazing and he

I anit one for the pic's thing i never take pics of my dogs or catches ect, Its hard enough in this game without giveing the filth the evidence they need.... But each too there own

yep your right fella theres plenty tell tales,,, but i think most lads tell the truth,,, cos the trouble is it will find you out.   personly i think im very honest and ctitical of my own dogs, and

yep your right fella theres plenty tell tales,,, but i think most lads tell the truth,,, cos the trouble is it will find you out.


personly i think im very honest and ctitical of my own dogs, and have said so on here many times.

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Hi mate,


I'm afraid its humin nature (in some folk) to bum up and exagerate things. you get them in every walk of life not just The Hunting Life.

I personally feel that (as Tomo is) if folk were a bit more critical of there own dogs as oposed to bumming up, possibly inferior animals, there would be a lot less mediocre(sp) lurchers doing the rounds.

I also feel that someone who is a genuine dog man, and who has what you could describe as a world beater, would definately keep that information to him self.

Only my personal opinion ofcourse.


Chgers Pernod

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What would be the point in telling lies as sooner or later the same person you lied to is goin to either see or hear from someone else how the dog in question ran.Its the same in the terrier game,lads blowing up there dogs but it will all fall back on them someday then all you will hear is thats the 1st time the dog has come away.The worst thing i have seen was a chap selling a terrier and swearing the dog done this that and the other and then turn around and give the chap that was buying the terrier a trial with it and he known full well the dog was shite but was too full of himself to admit it until the chap tried the dog out,then he looked a right twat.

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Guest born to run1083

the only way you can be in this game is critical to your own dogs I'm all ways picking faults, in my view by having this approach you address problems better and put the work to iron them out to strive for a better dog

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this is a small island we live on and the dog game is a small world. the bullshiters dont last long without being found out even if someone dont know you i bet he knows someone that does and the older you get the more people know you .dont know if this is good or bad lol.

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Iv had people try telling me their bully flat faced fat 100lb johnson american bulldog catches rabbits regulary!! My boy has runs on rabbits daily but has nailed 4 in the 2 years of his life, he's 70lbs fit, fast and as agile as a cat!! Theres bullshitters in all walks of life...


Some people feel the need to lie because they think it makes them look good to other people when in reality 90% of the time people can see through them like a window and end up thinking they're a lying cnut lol...


I work with a few story tellers, I had one twat tell me him and his mates tried ketamin but it wasnt strong enough so they took rhino tranqualisers instead haha

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