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Tale or truth??

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I went out last night with the dog and even though it was a still night I managed to bag 19 rabbits out of about 25 runs. The dog was on fire, really did me proud. Some of the runs were amazing and he

I anit one for the pic's thing i never take pics of my dogs or catches ect, Its hard enough in this game without giveing the filth the evidence they need.... But each too there own

yep your right fella theres plenty tell tales,,, but i think most lads tell the truth,,, cos the trouble is it will find you out.   personly i think im very honest and ctitical of my own dogs, and

Lies on here dont bother me, but I bet a few people lie about there dogs when there trying to sell their pups..................


I think there's a difference between a bit of exaggeration ( i'm a life long fisherman I know :laugh: ) and out and out bullshitting, used to have a labourer working for us and in the end I couldn't handle the lies, it was constant and got embarrassing in the end. I think his best was he told some lads on site he was in the special forces in the first gulf war..... he was younger than me and I was at school when that kicked off :whistling: , now if he was a dogman what an animal he would own. :toast: :toast:

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best place to (unfotunately) meet the bullshi*ters is the game fairs an shows...heard some good tales about world beaters taking 50 rabbits,5 foxes an a couple of deer PER NIGHT !!! there usually the ones head to toe in camo gear wi a mangy fearful lookin dog an a spliff in one hand an a can of the cheapest strongest firewater in the other...total knobheads...... :chair: ...atb..chris...

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Dog shows are hotspots for bullshitters!! I heard a bloke tell me he's re creating the blue Paul with a blue staff x olde bulldog and another that his staff was a Ch but the dog had less scars than me lol must have been shit hot lol

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i never bullshit i f*****g hate listening to it it just pisses you off when you know people are talking shit the sort of people where if you asked them the time you,ed still have to look at your watch. and as for the dogs if me dog dosn't catch out then i dont make it up or exsagerate

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I went out last night with the dog and even though it was a still night I managed to bag 19 rabbits out of about 25 runs. The dog was on fire, really did me proud. Some of the runs were amazing and he retrieved them all live to hand. Cant wait until conditions are right so I can get out again.



Now this was a made up story, but how many posts do you see like this without the evidence to back it up? I personally think owners should let there dogs speak words for them, as all we know anybody can talk the talk! I mean my dogs not amazing I go out catch a few rabbits with him and Im happy. But it seems some people in the hunting world feel the need to make up storys and tell tales of crap about so called wonder dogs! Again without the evidence to back it up, my dogs done this my dogs done that, but wheres the proof? They usually say ask my mate or so an so haha. But fortunatly Im not that that green to see that its all lies. How about your selfs?

i cant carry a camera with all the rabbits my dog kills

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Iv had people try telling me their bully flat faced fat 100lb johnson american bulldog catches rabbits regulary!! My boy has runs on rabbits daily but has nailed 4 in the 2 years of his life, he's 70lbs fit, fast and as agile as a cat!! Theres bullshitters in all walks of life...


Some people feel the need to lie because they think it makes them look good to other people when in reality 90% of the time people can see through them like a window and end up thinking they're a lying cnut lol...


I work with a few story tellers, I had one twat tell me him and his mates tried ketamin but it wasnt strong enough so they took rhino tranqualisers instead haha

Try`d that myself...











Gave me the horn :D

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over the years in this game ive heard and met bullshitters in all walks of life but the dog game seems to bring out the very best bullshitters of all personally ive never felt the need to big it up but ive heard some gooduns like the dogs never missed a thing before a dog that never missed before i wish on here you dont have to read many threads to find some right bullshitters spot them like rabbits in the lamp

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Even with all the fancey pic's that could be put up, Heres my bitch done 69 last night out of 80 runs and a few other knocked over, How easy would it be too ferret 3/4 of that nip round in the car and shoot out the window with my little .22 rifle banging over a few hares and have an hour on the lamp than stand the dog in front of all the catch and say heres the catch from a couple of hours lamping get my drift.... Believe nothing what you hear and half of what you see

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tbh last season when a had me old bitch (rip) she done her fair share on rabbits and other quary but am not one to count or brag about every thing caught by her and if people stoped me on the street to ask if she was any good a told them that she was proper shit slow the works. coz then a knew that no one was gunna come snooping round me house to try and pinch her because in there eyes she was no good

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Heard all the talk of "world beaters"and "flying machines"! Got fed up of hearing about them (usually in the pub) so I say to them let's get a day or night out. And 9 out of ten are left completely embarrassed with there hopeless mutts either there jacking, nowhere near as quick as they make out or attacking stock! Needless to say they then give it up after taking a well deserved ribbing! That's my experience with bullshitters. Get out with them and there not long in shutting up. Atb

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