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Hello. I came back from the lakes yesterday my border terrier dog did a lot of bushing and running

about ,she is now staying in her basket all the time eating and drinking a little very out of sorts

there is alot of small grey white small lumps on her chest. i was thinking tics but they dont look like

them, ive got an appointment at the vets at 4 oclock, anybody got any ideas?

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The small spots are probably from the brambles where her skins been pricked. If you pop one it'll have a runny white liquid in it. Shouldn't be anything to worry about. They go away fairly quickly.

As for staying in her basket, are you sure she isn't just knackered? give her some rest and keep an eye on her.

Good luck at the vets.

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You know the dog not me, so go with your gut instinct - better safe than sorry.

Have you checked her over to see if she's sore in any places? ( gently squeeze the stomach area or work the joints back and forth) or heart racing or anything like that?

For me, as long as she's eating and drinking (even just small quantities) then I'd just keep an eye on her but not disturb her too much.

Is she getting on in years? or maybe not as fit as you thought and just pushed herself a bit too hard? Tia (who's now 10) will do the same and go out bushing and hunting all day if you let her but then spend the next few days in bed recovering and looking decidedly stiff!

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she is comming up 2 years old and gets plenty of exercise everyday so should be fit.

we were a week in a caravan and after her walk she would spend all day stareing at squirrels

through the caravan window they really drove her mad , i wonder if this has anything to do with it.



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