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floater fishing help & advise

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I used fox bolt bubbles with a short greased leader and never really had that problem since. Crumpets hooked directly are tough and you can have multiple missed takes with them, only striking when you see the bubble move. A tight line between rod tip and float also speeds up the strike hope that helps atb tom.

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When i surface fish for Carp i try and use a controller when ever possible, the bubble floats are really good as you can put water in them for casting weight and they don't seem to spook the fish as much as the normal type of controller, I use about 4-6ft of line between the hook and bubble float, and normally when you get a bite the fish pulls against the bubble float and sets the hook almost like a bolt rig.


If I freeline a bait to a carp when stalking them i wait for the line to move before setting the hook.


What bait are you using for them?

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  On 13/08/2011 at 19:35, andyp said:

When i surface fish for Carp i try and use a controller when ever possible, the bubble floats are really good as you can put water in them for casting weight and they don't seem to spook the fish as much as the normal type of controller, I use about 4-6ft of line between the hook and bubble float, and normally when you get a bite the fish pulls against the bubble float and sets the hook almost like a bolt rig.


If I freeline a bait to a carp when stalking them i wait for the line to move before setting the hook.


What bait are you using for them?

dog biscuit not really sure what else to use???

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If i use dog biscuits i put them into a measuring jug, top them up with hot water and let them soak for 5 mins, pour the hot water away and place the dog biscuits in a plastic bag, add any falvouringd or colours at this stage if required, then squeeze as much air out as possible then put them in the fridge and leave them overnight, when you come to use them you will find they have a

spongy- rubberry texture and you can hook them direct either as singles, or if using a larger hook use pairs, if done this way they don't seem to absorb water either.

Other surface baits you can use are


Crusty bread, either the crust itself or the white centre,

Dog biscuits,

Marshmallows -- they go nuts for these and they stay on the hook really well,


Naan bread,

Pitta bread

I have even used the artificial dog biscuits and taken good fish on these.


One of the biggest mistakes people make when surface fishing is casting out to far, all my biggest carp to date have been taken less than 2ft from the bank, normally at my feet, or ambushing them when they are eating freebies in the margins, get em feeding confidently and then just lower your hook bait on their nose and be prepared to hang on.




Have a look on here, they have some good tips for floater fishing


Hope it helps

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not much more to say nice one lads , maybe one thing hey missed is be , PATIENT , a lone curious carp can nudge and piss what seems ages before it takes the bait , if your hook is presented right , you will hit most fish !! but still frustratuing , good luck , ps BAKERS COMPLTETE MEATY BALLS (BEEF) SSSSSSHHHHHH !!!!!!!!


ALSO try to gain confidence of the carp before you put a bait out , if they are competing , your chances will improve they will be more confident and easier o catch !!!

Edited by frankie 2010
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