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how to make a ghillie suit for £20

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hey lads, so my friend made a ghillie suit very cheaply and is very effective so i took the task upon myself to also make one and thought i would document it so i could show everyone else how to make one very cheaply.




camo/green all in one boiler suit from ebay : £8

camo/green balaclava from ebay : £2.50

3m camo material from hobby craft : £12.90



total : £23.40


you want to get a boiler that is bigger than your size




camo balaclava




camo material




cut the material into approx 1" wide strips by 12"-18" but keep it uneven in order to create a 3d effect




then you want to cut pairs of holes all over your suit in an orderly fashion - don't go mental




once done start to tie on the strips starting from the bottom




complete this process for the head mask


and here is what is should look like








this suit can be made in a day. it is inexpensive, effective and does the job.


hope you find this useful bargain hunters





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Wearing drab clothing and making sure they dont get washed in ordinary washing powder but like natural soap flakes which reduces uv and stops making you stand out like a beacon, and stalking as slow as a possibly can ,and glassing every two or three steps, even behind me I find to be more than productive than being dressed like a yeti, but each to their own if it works for you what can you say.


I bet it weighs a ton if it gets wet and russells like a bag of crisps

cammo cotton for me or moleskin breeks everytime

Your gillie suit is not for me but 10 out of ten for initiative..




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very light

very quiet

blends in to surrounding foliage

not to be worn out in the pissing rain


all ghillie suits make you look like a twat but serve a great purpose


its £20 ffs not £100 like the jack pyke one which looks identical but with thinner brown strands

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Wearing drab clothing and making sure they dont get washed in ordinary washing powder but like natural soap flakes which reduces uv and stops making you stand out like a beacon, and stalking as slow as a possibly can ,and glassing every two or three steps, even behind me I find to be more than productive than being dressed like a yeti, but each to their own if it works for you what can you say.


I bet it weighs a ton if it gets wet and russells like a bag of crisps

cammo cotton for me or moleskin breeks everytime

Your gillie suit is not for me but 10 out of ten for initiative..





Quite agree Stu


Theres no need to go around trying to look like a bush, or a grass tussock. Or a poor mans yetti


Drab clothing not washed in detergents with whiteners and slow movements as its movement that gives the game away when stalking.


If sat pigeon shooting and not wanting to build a hide or waiting for some rabbits to show of an evening and wanting to break up that tell tale human out line. I have a 4'x5' piece of light weight swedish mil-surp cammo netting which is a lot lighter in shades than the NATO netting that I simply wear like a cape.

Edited by Greek Phil
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Well done mate. Very good initiative!


We make suits like this in the army, not exactly the same but similar.


Good on you for having a go, some people would criticise one of your balls for

Being bigger than the other!!

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