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how can i make a gun rest for shooting out of car

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does any one now how i can make some sort of gun rest to shoot out of front pasengers window .


Are you the passenger or are you the driver?


For a driver shooting out of the passenger window I took a design I saw on another forum (http://ukvarminting.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9475&st=0&p=83023&hl=+window%20+rest&fromsearch=1&&do=findComment&comment=83023) . Take a couple of bits of 2x2 wood cut one about 12inches in length and drill two holes the size of the headrest posts for the headrest to sit into keep it in place and connect it to the other bit so the other bit spans the gap across the passenger seat from the headrest and sits on the dashboard. Handy if you are shooting alone. You can tart it up how you like and it does the job.

Edited by dave1372
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i will be driving and my son shooting, so needs to fit pasengers door side, wish he could drive and i could shoot.


:laugh: i'm sure he will return the favour when he can drive, remember, he don't need a licence to drive off road :thumbs::laugh:


i used to strap a bean bag to the wing mirror for shooting out of drivers window whilst driving, used to try and line shots up best i could by useing the steering to get the target into my arc of fire, probably about 70 degrees, worked for me :thumbs:


For a young lad shooting from passenger seat, just wind window down and hang a towel over door to protect paint work (if your worried about scratching it that is). Oh yea and a sheet of kevlar over the wing mirror :laugh:


.atb. .ste.

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