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has anyone come accross this before?


i went up my permission today with my son's saluki and a jack russel for flushing,just for a general mooch as it was a pleasent afternoon,anyway he caught 3 rabbit's but buried every one,he actually done it one day last week but i thought it just might of been a one off,all the years iv'e had dogs i have never seen this before just wondered if any of you lads have!!!!!!!!

the 3rd rabbit i couldn't find he hid it to good :laugh: but the last pics you can see on his nose where he must of been pushing the undergrowth back over the rabbit,strange :hmm:

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Guest Frank

:clapper: Lovely looking saluki that. :drink:


Id say, he is just following his insticts to hide his pray, could be something to do with the terrier being about prehaps?


Did you teach him to retreive?



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cracking dog marco . :thumbs-up: ...perhaps your not giving him enough grub so he thinking about coming back for some later.... :D ..to be honest marco that what frank said might have something to do with it being another dog there ...try him on his own see if he does it then ......

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Beaut of a dog!


I used to have 1/2 saluki longdog and he'd regularly catch my homing pigeons and then haul them off and bury them. A couple of weeks would go by and I'd see him, he'd be sitting out the yard eating his fermented pigeon, YUM! My neighbors told me that he'd bury the pigeons in their vegtable patch, guess they'd find a carcass now and then.

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:clapper: Lovely looking saluki that. :drink:


Id say, he is just following his insticts to hide his pray, could be something to do with the terrier being about prehaps?


Did you teach him to retreive?



could be instinctive frank but why dont the other 10,000,000 dogs in the country do it :hmm: and it could have something to do with the terrier been there aswell


he sort of retrieves to about 30 yards then looks for a clump of grass or a bush to dig a hole,but if i disturb him he'll take it out of the hole and just take it somewhere else to do the same again.

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has anyone come accross this before?


i went up my permission today with my son's saluki and a jack russel for flushing,just for a general mooch as it was a pleasent afternoon,anyway he caught 3 rabbit's but buried every one,he actually done it one day last week but i thought it just might of been a one off,all the years iv'e had dogs i have never seen this before just wondered if any of you lads have!!!!!!!!

the 3rd rabbit i couldn't find he hid it to good :laugh: but the last pics you can see on his nose where he must of been pushing the undergrowth back over the rabbit,strange :hmm:

I would try him without the terrier,at least that might narrow down the reason for his behaviour,looks like you are going to need binoculars to see where he is stashing his catches,

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has anyone come accross this before?


i went up my permission today with my son's saluki and a jack russel for flushing,just for a general mooch as it was a pleasent afternoon,anyway he caught 3 rabbit's but buried every one,he actually done it one day last week but i thought it just might of been a one off,all the years iv'e had dogs i have never seen this before just wondered if any of you lads have!!!!!!!!

the 3rd rabbit i couldn't find he hid it to good :laugh: but the last pics you can see on his nose where he must of been pushing the undergrowth back over the rabbit,strange :hmm:

I would try him without the terrier,at least that might narrow down the reason for his behaviour,looks like you are going to need binoculars to see where he is stashing his catches,

the terrier doesn't really put much pressure on him when he's caught a rabbit as you will see on the pics but her pressence alone could be enough to cause him to do it.interesting to see what he will do by himself.

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had dogs burrying bones in the yard but never out side , its a habit i would try to retrain him out of or take him out on your own ,had several saluk crosses none burried most retreived ,theres a lack of contact between you the dog and the terreir ,and maybe the open space blows his mind .just finished two weeks in the sonora desert with saluks and hounds none burried they were not the most obeident but they had a pecking order who retreived in a manner all the best ,hope he grows out of it or take him with out terreir as dogs can get possesive all the best

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had dogs burrying bones in the yard but never out side , its a habit i would try to retrain him out of or take him out on your own ,had several saluk crosses none burried most retreived ,theres a lack of contact between you the dog and the terreir ,and maybe the open space blows his mind .just finished two weeks in the sonora desert with saluks and hounds none burried they were not the most obeident but they had a pecking order who retreived in a manner all the best ,hope he grows out of it or take him with out terreir as dogs can get possesive all the best

sounded like a interesting holiday whin,like to see some pics of the native saluki if you have any to hand


theres plenty of contact between the saluki and myself but it must be something that he was allowed to get away with before i got him,once he's buried the rabbit he comes to heal,but if i go to him while he's burrying it like i said earlier he'll just moves on with the rabbit and does the same again,i'll work with him constantly in the summer months see if i can get on top of his retrieval.

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