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a question on breeding regarding wheaten x ebt

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i wanna reply to brenner in post number 30 about ebt saving a man from raging bull.. that dog in the youtube video was black in colour, now arent ebt originally white than later sbt blood was infused and that how u got coloured ebt. so maybe gameness of ebt increased by adding sbt blood or should i say percentage of game ones increased. so ..... how can we attribute success of wheaton crosses solely to ebt. or even the courage of that dog against that bull..... could we say its the staff in them.

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Very interesting topic, one thing to point out i believe is that a 100 years ago man had no knowledge about genetics in the same way do do today, there fir its hard to trace origins. I sometimes believe that there has been hybridation inside the canine world to develop the different type of dogs, or it has been some very small genetic pol breed tight locally, since people lived far from each other and dogs usually follow man and not longer trips could be made easily. Had a neighbour that walked up to me when i walked my glen saying instantly "thatbdog feels like a badger in body and mass" which aint far from the truth actually. Glens, wheatens and kerry of today differ in coats but you can make a glen look like a wheaten or a silky by treating its coat in different ways. Being a glen owner myself i see a lot of traits similar to the EBT in them, its like an english with fur, still of course more to prove, but generally acting....atb

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  • 4 months later...

Me too Neil!

I just remembered a Diddycye dog with Bull in it. D.G.'s Bruce was bred in Portadown out of a bitch whose name I don't have by a dog called Lance. I won't give his full name but he was a very well known dog at the time. Lance, I believe, was one of the three dogs in the litter by Handy that stayed in the North. Dee sold Bruce to TL who called the dog Diddycye Finn. He had a very successful trials career.

I saw Bruce worked when D had him and there's no doubt he was getting his full compliment of work. The late J.S. owned him in Lurgan originally.

some good info here bolio1 as far as i know lance was by the handy dog not to sure was there a dog called jacko from this litter. Edited by bulljack
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