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Im a rabbiter I dont care if people look down at me or my dogs im always going to go and do the very thing I love and thats rabbiting


Ditto mate :thumbs: Have nothing against the guys hunting other quarry or thier dogs, just that for me i want to be able to make use of what i catch feeding myself or the dogs.

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i think years ago pre ban,alot of lads starting out would have wanted to test their dogs on allsorts of quarry and with the bull generation now a certain attitude has crept in ,but i feel that to be a

If anyone looks down on a so called rabbit dog, then they are a tool!......plain and simple............anyone who cant appreciate any dog that is good at what it does is a tool and we all know their a

i dont think how ye use your dog to catch whatever quarry it may be, is the way to judge a dogman same as the quarry he hunts, should never be held against a man when judging him on his skills as a d

i judge a man a how find him regardles of he dogs ,but even he catches the humble rabbit or takes loads foxes ,some lurchermen do frown down on rabbit lads i don,t know why that it is i just think that just the way the game is ,i love doing aspects of the game ratting 2 shooting and so on bit would,nt judge a man for just doing what he loves 2 do,unless he states that he dogs do stuff they don,t

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Im a rabbiter I dont care if people look down at me or my dogs im always going to go and do the very thing I love and thats rabbiting


Ditto mate :thumbs: Have nothing against the guys hunting other quarry or thier dogs, just that for me i want to be able to make use of what i catch feeding myself or the dogs.

Yes mate me my dogs, ferrets eat the we catch :thumbs:

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i have the option of fallow deer/ rabbits/ foxes with a 15minute walk from the house i have to walk for about half hour to find hares. its only a couple of minutes in the car my favourite sport even pre ban is the rabbits. imo a dog needs alot of heart to go out and catch reasonable size bags of bunnys night after night.

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Just a question, for the sake of this question imagine its aimed at folk in a country where a greater quarry list is available or pre ban in this country. Now it could be me but i think some lurchermen who take/took "big game" look down upon the humble rabbiter as some sort of effeminate closet homosexual who is playing at the game and is wasting his time on the humble bunny, opinions people?????.......


Lurcherman 1: This man keeps a pair of useful tykes and during the season lamps with his dogs regularly taking good numbers of rabbits and at the weekend can be found on the local fields with his ferrets and nets working the warrens......


Lurcherman 2: This man also keeps a pair of useful tykes and spends his time during the season using his dogs for all kinds of quarry, rabbits/hares/fox/deer are all "on the menu" for this lurcherman and his dogs also work hard throughout the season......


Is one man any "better" a dogman than the other? Personally i dont think so at all, the main thing is getting out there and working your dogs, quarry types mean nothing with regards to a lurchermans skills at getting the best out of his dogs and deication to hunting...

i think years ago pre ban,alot of lads starting out would have wanted to test their dogs on allsorts of quarry and with the bull generation now a certain attitude has crept in ,but i feel that to be able to speak about lurcher work you need to have taken different game,,

Having said that a different view of lurcher work is now in place,no longer is the rabbiting dog seen as acceptable in its own right, from a certain element in the game ,,its as if its lacking something,,which is totally wrong

i taken different game over the years, but more than happy just to take rabbits now,,wouldn't give a shite if i never saw let alone caught another charlie,,as for anything else ,just too much like hard work,

maybe its an age thing ,but i dont feel the need to prove what hunting or how the dog runs or how much i get out,when i look at the small minded attitude of some folk in this game ,,

The problem is that i dont see anything changing ,seems to be a symptom of the society we live in,,

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I can never understand why certain people become obsessed by other peoples opinion's on their dogs exploits in the field,if you do what YOU want with the mutt and are happy doing it then crack on.The ones with the superiority complex are usually the ones to avoid.Pre-ban any dog i owned had to be an accomplished bunny basher,they also had to have the ability to have a certain amount of versatility.

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Who works the hardest, a rabbiter with his rabbiting lurcher, out night after night for dozens of runs or those after more elusive prey?



Now thats a debate in itslef Von :yes: Which dog works harder, the lurcher who perhaps runs 100 times a week and catches perhaps 80 rabbits, the man whose dog runs perhaps 12 deer a week and catches 7 or the man who runs perhaps 12 foxes a week and catches 6????? :hmm::D I would say the rabbiting dog may exert more energy on the runs but not with the catch :whistling: Then there are the coursing lads........

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