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Out of this game- complete heartache

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I"v lost 2 in the last year both were very good dogs with years of hard work put in them one probably the best dog I"v had the pleasure of running it takes time to get over them if you think any thing

Thinking along these same lines, i adore my dog and would be devastated if she met an early end............but...........the thought of never letting her offlead to do what she was bred for seems even

Look i'm just asking. I work dogs, not running dogs but if i lost 1 of my dogs tomorrow it wouldn't hurt any less thanif you lost yours. But i wouldn't pack in as i have other dogs to think about.

I"v lost 2 in the last year both were very good dogs with years of hard work put in them one probably the best dog I"v had the pleasure of running it takes time to get over them if you think any thing of them ,not a day goes by that I think what if .Buy a well bred pup and go forward no amount of what ifs change anything but a new dog a new challenge.Nothing takes your mind of things like looking after a pup.

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you cant punish yourself it just happened ..same thing happened me had terrier got out ran across road i called her back first natural response but if i hadnt she would be ok but she turned and ran back and car came :(..i was lucky she didnt die but her foot twisted upside down and had to grow all skin back went to bone..it just happens.. You'l never replace her but you can get another dog when u feel ready and it helps :)

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Guest joball

Give yourself a shake lad, its happened to me but you just pic yourself up and remember the good times, if you carnt face owning another knowing the risks that is involved in working lurchers this game aint for you..sorry for your loss alb in the future


Any pics of her

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