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Out of this game- complete heartache

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I"v lost 2 in the last year both were very good dogs with years of hard work put in them one probably the best dog I"v had the pleasure of running it takes time to get over them if you think any thing

Thinking along these same lines, i adore my dog and would be devastated if she met an early end............but...........the thought of never letting her offlead to do what she was bred for seems even

Look i'm just asking. I work dogs, not running dogs but if i lost 1 of my dogs tomorrow it wouldn't hurt any less thanif you lost yours. But i wouldn't pack in as i have other dogs to think about.

Your right there Lab, having the other dogs has to keep you going, just because you are hurting, sick, heartbroken or whatever, you still have to go take care of them and see to thier needs.

One of the reasons i'm not a single dog owner.


They give you a reason to get off your backside every day. If i had just 1 and something happened to it then my life would be empty. No matter how down you may feel the greeting from a dog who worships you will lift the lowest soul :thumbs:

:thumbs: .............well the season is fast approaching. Soon i will be taking 2 dogs too the shoots and 2 will have too stay in the kennel, I'm sure i've heard them shout 'prick' as i've loaded up the other dogs.... ;)



LMAO! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Sad thing is my pet dogs shout 'Biiiiiiaaaaatch' at me when i take my lurcher out on her own but i'd be a laughing stock taking 2 chihuahuas and 2 poodles out rabbitting with us, think even my lurcher would die of shame :icon_redface:

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she wasnt just a worker, she was a family pet.... she came everywhere with me and i dont feel i could give another lurcher as much love as i gave to her...she was a real diamond and did everything i asked of her. thankyou for the nice comments its nice to have a community who understands.



thought the same 30 year ago when i lost a terrier -- i dont think you`ll be out of it long when them winter nights come you`ll be itchin to get out .. good luck what ever you choose to do -- sometimes that 2nd dog turns out better than you thought coz of what you know and what you put in to make it work as good as your last un ..
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happened to me for the first time about 2 years ago mate on a saturday night an the best thing i done was go back out with my mates on the monday night u will be back out mate once u get the itch again iv no douts all the best mate

Edited by john*
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she wasnt just a worker, she was a family pet.... she came everywhere with me and i dont feel i could give another lurcher as much love as i gave to her...she was a real diamond and did everything i asked of her. thankyou for the nice comments its nice to have a community who understands.




It definitely takes it out of you Phil.

Some people will not understand that there are levels of being attached to a dog, my original dogs were 'family'. And the grief was the same as losing a human member of the family.

My mindset has changed now, not deliberately, but it did. My younger dogs are now dogs, yes i am upset when anything happens to them but not to the same degree.

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sorry to hear about your dog mate same thing happened too me in january an hour after work and i had know dog he was a belter ,but i went and got a pup and shes coming on good got and i've got a good bond with her lifes to short mate nee point in looking back you'll always rember her on wards and upwards atb.

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ive often nearly tossed the towel in and then i think of all the good times and what id miss about this game you got to be prepared to loose dogs its crap ad sickening when it happens but it does if i was you mate i would take timeout and not get rid of gear when ready id start again with pup sorry to hear of loss and all the best in future mate

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not read through the whole topic bud sry for the loss all i can say is its a risky business were in everytime the dogs work they are prone to injury or death i love any dog i own like i would my kids but in the years passed i have lost many dogs in the field be it a gate or post they hit or get run over people will think it gets easier it does not a loss is a loss in my book but what i have gained over the years is my emotional ties with a dog are not as strong as they were when i first started packing in wont help you bud give it a bit of time then get out with a few of the lads (bit of mooching) before you know it you will have a dog in the yard and be up for it again....


atb and once again sry for the loss chin up



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The first dog you lose is the worst. (And as Rod Stewart immortalised in his song: The first cut is the deepest)


And the second worst time is when a dog is killed and it could have been avoided and YOU feel responsible for its death.


Many years ago I lost a young and promising bitch, and all because I hadn't put her on the lead as we walked home down a normally deserted country lane. She had dived in to a bramble after a rabbit, and I walked on a few yards knowing she'd come back pretty quick either with or without the rabbit. A big Range Rover suddenly appeared from nowhere at the precise moment she jumped back on to the road: she was killed instantly. It was 5 years before I could walk up that road again, and I still feel terrible about it now nearly 20 years later.


When the moment is right, offer your heart again to another deserving dog. If we love our dogs, we owe it to the canine species to take on the risk of being hurt again. A dog completes you, it is your right arm, and your reason for living. Don't deny yourself (or a dog) that joy. The pain never goes, but it can be accepted and kept in its rightful place as part of your life. Just think what you have to offer another dog.

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Slightly different BUT my old dog is 14 and not so clever bless him and I know the time is fast approaching when I will have to make THAT decision something I"ve had to do too many times, my point is that no matter what,when or how we lose our companions it is NEVER easy.

I have two pups coming on BUT they will not replace my old lad and he"ll never be forgotten but life will go on and these youngsters will take me forward and to some extent soften the blow/guilt

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