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How to deal with 'scum' (manchester)

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22 years old,,, f**k me i got sperm floating round my balls oder than that,, come back with an opinion when youv had some life


i think theres a bit more to law and order than you think.

250 Grand house at 22, You've certainly been Enslaved by this Country :hmm:

Did the POLICE try to confiscate it ,hence your Disdain of them :whistling:

rich daddy, lottery win or unoffical chemist???


either way you own a property and should realise nthat its the police who are the deterrent to crimminals when your not there, working hard to pay for your house and things? The police do a sh*tty job dealing with junkies and filth all day long, their hands get tied by politicians and they get the backlash when the courts are too lienient.


Like every organisation there are good and bad people in it..when you are older you may realise this fact....

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22 years old,,, f**k me i got sperm floating round my balls oder than that,, come back with an opinion when youv had some life


you could do with an empty your balls must be like punch ballons. lol pm tb25 and see if you can borrow one of his facebook cast off's :laugh::tongue2:

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250 Grand house at 22, You've certainly been Enslaved by this Country :hmm:

Did the POLICE try to confiscate it ,hence your Disdain of them :whistling:

rich daddy, lottery win or unoffical chemist???


either way you own a property and should realise nthat its the police who are the deterrent to crimminals when your not there, working hard to pay for your house and things? The police do a sh*tty job dealing with junkies and filth all day long, their hands get tied by politicians and they get the backlash when the courts are too lienient.


Like every organisation there are good and bad people in it..when you are older you may realise this fact....



worked hard since i was very young and saved up,invested wisely etc aside from an uncle who died and left me a few quid no ones ever given me a thing,but i have been very lucky in life.


either way if we went back to just fewer basic laws the police wouldn't need to get involved with drug dealers and the multitude of other 'criminals' who commit victimless crimes,

and i'd far rather pay the money i waste on taxes paying a large private security firm to look after mine and my neighbors property (that could imo be much cheaper when you consider the inefficiency of the government)


im surprised so many people trust and wish to further empower the people who took away their right to hunt.


250 Grand house at 22, You've certainly been Enslaved by this Country


its debatable if anyone in this country really owns anything given our lack of private property rights.



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Blan, as I said before, it wasnt the coppers that took our right away to hunt-it was the government! I've been done for speeding and stuff and felt vicimised, but at the end of the day I'm old enough to realise they was just doing their job. If we didnt have the cops and the army and the huge number of people in this country who know good from evil, then it would be like tottenham, birmingham and manchester, everyday and everywhere!!

Lets face it, do you really think the cops are a*s*ed whether you have a walk about and snaffle the odd hare, - course they arn't, but they might have to do something about it if you get caught. Simple.

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either way if we went back to just fewer basic laws the police wouldn't need to get involved with drug dealers and the multitude of other 'criminals' who commit victimless crimes,

how do drug dealers commit victimless crimes?


Whilst i appreciate that someone selling a little cannabis they may have grown at home is not the worlds worst crimminal, your blanket statement legitimises heorin, crack cocaine and meth amp dealers....you cannot really be serious? The cause of many house breakins and shop lifting offences are drug addiction. the reason for armed gangs to be shooting at each other is for territorial control of supply of class a drugs. Class A drug dependancy can lead to prostitution as well. Added to these facts, the amount of heroin produced in places like afghanistan and sold into europe helps fund fighters who kill our troops and i think you need to seriously look at how you view what the police do??


In your ideal world what parts of your privatised police force would investigate rape or child molestation? There would be no profit in that, most of the victims would be too scared or too young to be able to pay for a prosecution.


Lets say i steal your identity and run up debts on your paid up house can your private firm deal with that? lets say if i live in Romonia and am doing it remotely? How much does Interpol cost...??


As someone who has been so fortunate i think paying your taxes for the relative security of our country is a no brainer.


And the police didnt ban hunting, the government did through a combination of media spin, public ignorance and class hatred...

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Well Blan,, regardless of what you do or who you are,, (you may well be a great bloke that works hard and does well) but ,,, you`ve spouted some shit this week mate !! I reckon you`ve only just stopped short of wishing a copper dead !! you need to reflect on the utter shite you have came out with bud,, really look at it,, and have a good hard think about whether you really think like that !! wishing riots to spread, and hoping coppers get seriously hurt while doing there job,,

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how do you know this lad wasnt looting,or had just set fire to a shop.there was a few of them on bikes there.he unfortunaetly couldnt peddle as fast.he may very well have been innocent,we just dont know.thing is most responsible people would stay of the streets at this unstable time,and if you had kids,would make sure they were at home.

Edited by scothunter
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how do you know this lad wasnt looting,or had just set fire to a shop.there was a few of them on bikes there.he unfortunaetly couldnt peddle as fast.he may very well have been innocent,we just dont know.thing is most responsible people would stay of the streets at this unstable time,and if you had kids,would make sure they were at home.



Going by that video i dont know.But at the same time how do they . Never give plod to much power.They will only abuse it.

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