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How to deal with 'scum' (manchester)

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Anarchy in the UK ,,eh Blan ?? lawless society and aw that !!,, if you really fancy that,, just head of to Somalia ! you`d fit right in.



What i described wasnt anarchy.


it was just a smaller less intrusive government,with more property rights and the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself (as long as there is a single gun legally held or otherwise in this country,owning one to defend yourself/your family is reasonable)


you'd prefer the totalitarianism we're heading for i take it?

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22 years old,,, f**k me i got sperm floating round my balls oder than that,, come back with an opinion when youv had some life


i think theres a bit more to law and order than you think.

Come on then, how come Americans need cops, when they have the right to bear arms, and what are these "special powers" coppers in this country have. Oh, hang on a bit, it must be the power to spot a thieving looting scumbag on a push bike, (that was probably fecking knicked off someone, 2 minutes before

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Come on then, how come Americans need cops, when they have the right to bear arms, and what are these "special powers" coppers in this country have. Oh, hang on a bit, it must be the power to spot a thieving looting scumbag on a push bike, (that was probably fecking knicked off someone, 2 minutes before

because they arent all armed (by choice or otherwise) or otherwise capable of defending themselves, also to process arrests and most importantly to collect revenue.


as for special powers the police have, maybe you should research what a pig can get away with doing legally that you cannot.

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Come on then, how come Americans need cops, when they have the right to bear arms, and what are these "special powers" coppers in this country have. Oh, hang on a bit, it must be the power to spot a thieving looting scumbag on a push bike, (that was probably fecking knicked off someone, 2 minutes before


i wouldn't f**k with someone who had bear arms though.

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just read this post through and it got me thinking how i and othres see the police depending on the situation take in london on the marches to try and stop the ban and brighton and cardiff there i and others thought the police were nobheads and heavy handed and way over the top but against the rioters they are top men if their dishing it out to them and rightly so i say give it to them cos in mine and most other peoples eyes the rioters are scum of the earth and deserve a good hiding at least.. but in both scenarios they were doing the job they are paid to do but seen from differant angle to a lot of us that got hammered on the marches .

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SUNNY California, Tote a Semi -automaiic on my shoulder ! Yipea i ay !

Put my pipe in my mouth an lite up in a public place they'll SHOOT ME !

Welcome to the land of the free ,Don't thinks so.. :hmm:


yeah mate thats exactly what the right to bare arms means,you can just shoot anyone who infringes civil law in any victimless way.


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SUNNY California, Tote a Semi -automaiic on my shoulder ! Yipea i ay !

Put my pipe in my mouth an lite up in a public place they'll SHOOT ME !

Welcome to the land of the free ,Don't thinks so.. :hmm:


yeah mate thats exactly what the right to bare arms means,you can just shoot anyone who infringes civil law in any victimless way.



The RIGHT to bare arms was for the use of the Militia not the private citizen,There are plenty Miltia Bearing arms in the U.S.A. many that you woudnt care to let have a cap gun never mind the Arsenals they have access to ! Border patrols,"Mexico",Almost Heaven, Montana,The list is endless Doesn't stop car jackin' Area been no go etc. I agree with the fundemental of the Argument,but the reality Joe Bloggs ends up with the rough end of the stick ! Most Knife Victims in this Country are Stabbed by their own Weapon.. FACT !! I was trying to be light hearted in my reply,pointing out the P. C. madness in that country,were your Demonised for Smoking,but Perfectly acceptable to carry a weapon that is of no use other than to criminals and law enforcement and we are to copy this example ?

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just read this post through and it got me thinking how i and othres see the police depending on the situation take in london on the marches to try and stop the ban and brighton and cardiff there i and others thought the police were nobheads and heavy handed and way over the top but against the rioters they are top men if their dishing it out to them and rightly so i say give it to them cos in mine and most other peoples eyes the rioters are scum of the earth and deserve a good hiding at least.. but in both scenarios they were doing the job they are paid to do but seen from differant angle to a lot of us that got hammered on the marches .


You've stumbled across a VERY important point 'boyo', when does a protester become a rioter in the legal sense. Could political dissenters be classed as rioters under the new legislation that could soon be ushered in on the wake of these troubles ?

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Blan ,totalitarianism, get real ! we live in one of the most liberal and free countries in the western world,,,,, I suspect you hated having to go to school as well !!! hahaha


You don`t live in a converted lorry and wave glow sticks around all weekend by any chance , do you ?? does your lurcher wear a bandana ??

hippy,, lol

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I had a guy from the US come over to judge a show a few years back who stayed with us. He had just retired from being a screw in Joilet (no sh*t - the nick from the Blues Brothers). A late night discussion in the local Chicotos with another US judge, who also now works as a screw in Arizona ensued about the difference in laws between iilonois and Arizona.


In Illinos Rich, the retired screw has to load his auto shotgun with 2 birdshot, then two buckshot and the can move onto lethal rounds. If he is attacked at home he can defend his property but if he uses lethal force first he is deemed not to have given the offender enough time to back off. this man spent 25 years locking down some serious offenders in the US and obviously wiill have some enemies,


Greg, who is now a screw in an Arizona nonce prison, has a permit to carry 9mm weapons openly in the state and does not have to use non lethal rounds first.


Both men breed AB's and have enough dogs running loose to slow an attacker up sufficiently to reach a firearm


Even in the so called land of the free things are not clear cut and the notion of the right to bare arms ever being passed here is in one flew over the cuckoo nest territory. Imagine the uk with that freedom, which already has extremist muslim and EDL factions as well as drug gangs and the potential loss of innocent life is staggering.

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Blan ,totalitarianism, get real ! we live in one of the most liberal and free countries in the western world,,,,, I suspect you hated having to go to school as well !!! hahaha


You don`t live in a converted lorry and wave glow sticks around all weekend by any chance , do you ?? does your lurcher wear a bandana ??

hippy,, lol


lol yeah,its not like we can be arrested and held indefinitely without charge under certain anti-terror legislation is it?

and of course im free to smoke green, and hunt deer,hare and fox with my lurcher if i want to.

as for freedom of expression,its not like the media would try and manipulate the public into wanting that restricted is it?

i could go on...


i own my own house with my bird btw (not to gloat but its not bad for a 22 year old who left school with f**k all to own a house worth 250k all paid up between us,is it?)


f**k all wrong with bandanna's though 8)

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well they hardly gonna lock you up under the anti terrorisim law for smoking green.and tbh maybe you need to cut down on your intake of the green lol

you would soon be calling for the boys in blue,if some little scrot was vandalising your paid up 250grand property.

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