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carefuly bred lurcher to lurcher does the job all the time had first crosses to that were good ,but once you get and breed decent lines you tend to only bred in what you need to suit your game pace feet natural ability only comes with years of breeding

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You can have a bit of variety in a litter size,coat,build ect, from some lurcher to lurcher mateings , Then you get lines that throw very typey dogs with the desiered traits you after,


The reasons why i tend too stick to lurcher to lurcher type they suit me and what i do, Seen halfxs and most were very cloody lacked gears and that extra top end gear, 3/4 breds the although had speed gears ect seems very injury prone,could lack stamina, bent like a boat ect and ''i'' dont get on with very greyhoundy dogs,


(And just before everyone says anything iam on about the ones iv seen first hand work).... And have seen some great firstx's and a few 3/4 breds work also in particular a 3/4 Gh/lab he is a useful big dog on everything

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