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More novice adviced needed

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Sorry haven't been here for a while. My boy is coming along nicely but still keeps what he catches. Think I am too much of a worrier when it comes to injuries so I have two questions; Last week I let him out for a run on a sunny afternoon and he literally did this- spotted a bugs, leapt into a thicket, I could see his tail quivering thinking he had made a kill...he came out blinded. He was rolling his head onto the grass frantically until I called him back to me. Had to lift him over a fence and carry him back. No marks on him but eyeball retracted and eyelid shut as though he had no eyes. I bathed them with saline and could see he still had eyes (it looked that bad initially) and I set off for the vets. Back of my mind thinking the vet will surely just bathe also...on the way there he stand up in the car as usual to look for fluffies and I decided he was being a bit of a wuss and to continue bathing myself (vets round here are pretty rubbish anyhow) He fidgetted all night so in the mornig set off for the vets again..long and short of it is we never went to the vets as I could see he was able to see and after a day or so has returned to normal. Sorry if anyone gets on at me for not going to the vets but he is insured so cost wasnt a problem but my trust of vets is- has anyone any idea what could have caused this?? No swelling, no scratches just a whippet who looked like a myxi bunny??

Secondly- as I am now scared to death what his next injury will be can anyone give me some words of advice re racing. Pip runs twice a day on the beach, does hill work and recently outstripped by a long chalk a greyhound (who was apparently in race training) and a whippet x bull. He is non ped and intimidated by other dogs unless pushed, he recently took on a lab who ran over to play with me and some small children I look after- totally out of character and he ran over to the smallest child (2 year old) after seeing off the lab to sit by him. Sorry for being naive and the stupidly long post guys.

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  On 10/08/2011 at 19:55, bluebrindle said:

Sorry haven't been here for a while. My boy is coming along nicely but still keeps what he catches. Think I am too much of a worrier when it comes to injuries so I have two questions; Last week I let him out for a run on a sunny afternoon and he literally did this- spotted a bugs, leapt into a thicket, I could see his tail quivering thinking he had made a kill...he came out blinded. He was rolling his head onto the grass frantically until I called him back to me. Had to lift him over a fence and carry him back. No marks on him but eyeball retracted and eyelid shut as though he had no eyes. I bathed them with saline and could see he still had eyes (it looked that bad initially) and I set off for the vets. Back of my mind thinking the vet will surely just bathe also...on the way there he stand up in the car as usual to look for fluffies and I decided he was being a bit of a wuss and to continue bathing myself (vets round here are pretty rubbish anyhow) He fidgetted all night so in the mornig set off for the vets again..long and short of it is we never went to the vets as I could see he was able to see and after a day or so has returned to normal. Sorry if anyone gets on at me for not going to the vets but he is insured so cost wasnt a problem but my trust of vets is- has anyone any idea what could have caused this?? No swelling, no scratches just a whippet who looked like a myxi bunny??

Secondly- as I am now scared to death what his next injury will be can anyone give me some words of advice re racing. Pip runs twice a day on the beach, does hill work and recently outstripped by a long chalk a greyhound (who was apparently in race training) and a whippet x bull. He is non ped and intimidated by other dogs unless pushed, he recently took on a lab who ran over to play with me and some small children I look after- totally out of character and he ran over to the smallest child (2 year old) after seeing off the lab to sit by him. Sorry for being naive and the stupidly long post guys.

The sweet sound of innocence,,like a breath of fresh air on here, i wouldn't hang about in this den of serpents too long, miss, you only end up getting hooked, and probably end up buying a bull cross or something similar,,

as for the original questions,,dont know,,

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Without knowing what he put his head into all together can only guess that it could be nettles and what you saw was an allergic reaction, if this was the case I would have given him a piriton tablet.

With regard to possible future injuries I"m afraid that this goes with the territory and a chance we take every time we take our dogs out whether we"re working them or just out for a walk.

Also sounds as though you have issues with his retrieve i"d suggest you go back to basics and do some work with a dummy.

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yeah nettles were a suggestion, the serpents scared me off a little bit last time I posted but only as it became about me and not my dog. Heading to lowther this weekend to see what this racing malarkay is all about....Pip won't retrieve it seems but does enjoy a play with the remains of his quarry ( would have had some explaining to do if anyone caught me throwing and whooping as he chased after the back legs of one of his catches) It keeps a wag in his tail but I was somewaht off put to find a rabbit carcass strung up on a tree in our new found hunting ground....I'm not into this prize showing game- give your quarry some dignity.

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  On 10/08/2011 at 21:13, bluebrindle said:

yeah nettles were a suggestion, the serpents scared me off a little bit last time I posted but only as it became about me and not my dog. Heading to lowther this weekend to see what this racing malarkay is all about....Pip won't retrieve it seems but does enjoy a play with the remains of his quarry ( would have had some explaining to do if anyone caught me throwing and whooping as he chased after the back legs of one of his catches) It keeps a wag in his tail but I was somewaht off put to find a rabbit carcass strung up on a tree in our new found hunting ground....I'm not into this prize showing game- give your quarry some dignity.

Maybe the bunny had fallen on hard times, and just had had enough,

playing tug and chasing ball will increase the bond with you and the mutt,,when hes retrieving a ball ,use the same phrase "bring it" or similar every time,,once he knows it 100% everytime different areas , try it when he has a bunny ,he'll know then for sure what you want,make him retrieve it before moving anywhere,,it could take some time,,

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Maybe he had...silly bunny.

My dog doesn't chase balls, sticks, toys or postmen. He ignores other gogs chasing things, the only thing he has ever shown a sign of chasing was the remains of his kill. I shall look out for a skin/toy thing at Game Fair this weekend that he shows a response to. Cheers all.

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Racing was a disaster- they slipped him and he turned around and came back to me. No interest in the lure whatsover (but why would he want to chase a bit of sacking?) I was told to show him and the newbies we are won the smooth coated lurcher class. Really good to get out and talk to some real running dog folk in the flesh but sadly he had no reaction to the skins and dummies on sale. Shall continue our mooching and maybe have a look at some straight line racing where he can run to me. Love to take him out for a bunny run this evening as a reward but he's been awake more that 10 hours which is a bit of a record and don't want him running when tired. Bloody horse show tomorrow, this dog show game is so much easier.

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  On 13/08/2011 at 18:39, bluebrindle said:

Racing was a disaster- they slipped him and he turned around and came back to me. No interest in the lure whatsover (but why would he want to chase a bit of sacking?) I was told to show him and the newbies we are won the smooth coated lurcher class. Really good to get out and talk to some real running dog folk in the flesh but sadly he had no reaction to the skins and dummies on sale. Shall continue our mooching and maybe have a look at some straight line racing where he can run to me. Love to take him out for a bunny run this evening as a reward but he's been awake more that 10 hours which is a bit of a record and don't want him running when tired. Bloody horse show tomorrow, this dog show game is so much easier.

You need to limit his access to one thing to raise his interest in another,,if your going to give him a choice between real rabbit hunting and bummy's ,the real thing is going to win hands down every time,

if he dosent get to use his drive hunting,he still has that same energy drive in him ,frustration builds desire,,build frustration for an object and at the same time you will build desire,,

he wont even acknowledge something if it dosent play some part in his drive process,,

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So does that mean keep him off rabbits but let him chase bits of sacking? I see your logic there but surely there must be a way to enjoy both? Am I complete dimmock that doesn't realise racing dogs don't get the real deal? Sorry if I am being a dimmock but really appreciate the advise...a friend has suggest that they just tie me to the winch and then he'd win everything ( this is possibly true but the female figure doesnt drag that well methinks)

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  On 13/08/2011 at 19:22, bluebrindle said:

So does that mean keep him off rabbits but let him chase bits of sacking? I see your logic there but surely there must be a way to enjoy both? Am I complete dimmock that doesn't realise racing dogs don't get the real deal? Sorry if I am being a dimmock but really appreciate the advise...a friend has suggest that they just tie me to the winch and then he'd win everything ( this is possibly true but the female figure doesnt drag that well methinks)

yes it does mean limiting one to increase the interest in another,,if that is what you want??the mutt uses his drive energy by hunting ,chasing ,catching ,biting,,limit that then,,the energy is still there with no access ,,the dummy will start looking very attractive, but it will take time and probably not what you want anyway,,not sure what to reply to the image of a female being winched while been coursed by a pack of dogs,,interesting ,,

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