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light force striker vs copies? 2 questions.

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1)in the copies of the LF striker, whats the reflector like? do they throw the beam as well and a nice tight spot? has anyone put a copy side by side with a striker?


not fussed about wiring as thats an easy fix, its the reflector that makes a lamp.


2)has anyone replaced the 100w bulb with a 50w? was the difference enough to make it a waste of time getting a striker?


i have a clulight laserlight which is ok for what i do but ide like a striker. my laserlight only uses a 50w bulb. will the larger reflector in a striker or copy give me a better beam if i was to use the same size bulb?

ide like to stick with a 50w as my 10ah battery lasts the night easly with it.

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