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Plummer terriers ( pre ban )


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My f1 crosses were not dissimilar to what plummer bred himself at that time,I will put a pic or 2 up of the resulting litter and tell me if you think they were sh*te,the cheshire forest hunt bought all the bitches off my line as they were good bolting terriers that could hold above or below on their own,if I could produce a steady line of the right colour and type then I would have the perfect terrier in my opinion,this line is now lost due to gypsies thieving all the stock I spent producing,they looked nothing like a plummer back in the day but they were 50%plummer/50%nuttall and probably the best little line that I have produced,at that time we all thought plummer was a crank with a big ego but his developement mirrored mine without me knowing it,I kept this line going for 20yrs untill my bitch was killed on the road and had to start again,I then bought a double bred "REMLAP" dog 9yrs ago,after seeing the size of the parents I immediately bought the smallest dog on the spot,these turned out to be of the right size and type for earthwork and I've never looked back since,"DANNY" as I called him has been as good as any earthdog I've owned and made me realise that these little dogs were so underrated by terriermen with no experience of this breed,it was like keeping a secret,over the past 9yrs he has proved himself to be a steady worker on his own but does not like to share with the other dogs,this is his only fault in as much as he does not pack well,so I spent the best part of 2yrs finding a bitch of the steady new blood to breed off,she has been a revelation for me in as much as she does all he did and then some,I never expected a lot from her but she has really surprised me in her work ethic,she will not be bossed and is as strong as any dog I've ever owned,her jaw strength is unreal and has the capacity to work cover like a spaniel,the dog I've lined her with is young but his line have been tested to the limit and carries the blood I required,only time will tell if the pups achieve their potential but they will have plenty of work to test them,anyway heres a few pics of the f1 crosses bred pre-ban in the 80's and 90's,atb,wirralman

Edited by wirral countryman
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Omega,its nice to hear a post from someone that thinks along the same lines as myself and you should stay active with your commonsense approach to terrierwork on this site,people are too entrenched in

I am new to the forum so I will just add my two penny worth. I used to be heavily into sensible, lawful and necessary working of terriers until I felt the sport was becoming ruined by idiots and petty

wirral i realy like your type of plumber and think yhey would suite my needs as i like a terrier 2 be an allrounder earth work tracking game and must be a good busher.u seem 2 no your stuff about them

Bill would love to see photos of Vandal please


as to the way the thread is heading - any thread on any forum where it is denigrated by those posting in the vein of my c0_ck is bigger than you c0_ck without showing off said big c0_ck and then folk who know working dogs in and out without doubt fall out with and pitt themselves against folk who know a particular breed - one (like the Queen) can smell same said thread moving toward shitville titsupville tennessee ....


Plummer terriers - those that work them aren't telling on here folks .....

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The thread is' pre ban' CS. As for todays dogs shaping the future-that depends entirely on the breeders. It can go in either direction-work or show. There will be a divergence at best.


HGN-All plummer threads turn to shit. As you say,those that work them..........No dick swinging required.


At the end of the day,they're dogs FFS.

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FTB,I think you're just nitpicking over dogs that have been dead and gone for years and had no influence on any strain now,my dogs were of my own choice and breeding and have had no influence on the modern plummer terrier of today,I was merely explaining the breeds past and how in the early 80's he(brian) was not very far away from producing that elusive line,anyone can produce 1 litter here and there its a constant line we strive for,I only bred for my own use as the dogs I required were not really out there at that time,there were loads of other types of terriers that were too hard for my type of work but I did keep the full range of dogs from yappers to proper hard dogs as they all had a use in the right place,an all round terrier in my eyes is a godsend,an intelligent dog that is able to handle anything put before it,even the purist's among us could not knock that,those pups I bred back then were the closest I ever came to it and the bitch on my knee in them pics could herd and work any farm animal without effort.

When I bought "DANNY" I thought all plummers were like him,he had all the same attributes as those pups and he has been a joy to own other than the fact he does not pack well,I've met loads of plummer owners and attended all their major shows and find a rather middle class ownership has taken over the helm of all the clubs,they have let the working side of things slip in pursuit of KC registration and coat patterns,size also suffered,but now there are signs that a small group of lads seem intent on producing the allround dog we all want,something that can multitask terrierwork and still be shown in the summer if you're that way inclined,they are capable of so much more than ratting which plummer made his name off,just because he never worked them to ground does not mean others were not at that same time,I knew a lot of lads at one time that used to work them hard to ground.FTBBH,I'm sorry I have spent most of your thread defending both Plummers and myself from some very poor biased criticism by lads that clearly have no respect for either plummer or his dogs and I can see some points from their onesided aspect but you cannot dispute facts and pictures from myself to back up everything I have stated,I do however find it disappointing that the likes of CS,who is an administrator for the working plummer terrier forum,Toka,who does a similar job for the EPTS and Wulf,who represents the PTA do not reply more in defence of this breed,so it is little wonder that we have the poor name in the eyes of average terriermen that own different breeds,you guys should be pushing for the respect of ordinary lads to increase the ownership of plummers not sitting on the fence playing politics with a breed some have only little or no experience of,surely everybody thinking they are just ratters must get your goat,I would appreciate a little help now and then from yourselves considering you are supposed to represent the official side of things,the only lads that have posted in support are all like me nothing to do with any club and yet we appear to have the working knowledge and experience to take it forward,if you wish to raise the level of respect then get involved now and then,I make no apology as this is exactly how I feel and it is no wonder I could not remain a member on these so called organised plummer sites,you need to up your game,wirralman

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Wirral countryman , if the plummer suits you and your uses of them fxck what anyone else thinks, you are breeding for yourself and not peddling and trying to do the right thing by the breed. One of the cxnts that is slating plummers and yourself is a peddlar of the highest degree who will breed any bitch in his yard for a £££ ,as for his dogs they are shxt full stop and will not stay to ground for any lenght of time ,not uncommon for a few to be a ground together. DONT JUSTIFIE YOURSELF TO CXNTS LIKE HIM.

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Wirral countryman , if the plummer suits you and your uses of them fxck what anyone else thinks, you are breeding for yourself and not peddling and trying to do the right thing by the breed. One of the cxnts that is slating plummers and yourself is a peddlar of the highest degree who will breed any bitch in his yard for a £££ ,as for his dogs they are shxt full stop and will not stay to ground for any lenght of time ,not uncommon for a few to be a ground together. DONT JUSTIFIE YOURSELF TO CXNTS LIKE HIM.


:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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WM. i keep my plummer for my own enjoyment. i dont need to justify owning them. i dont know you or your dogs. so cant defend them. to be honest i dont want to get involved in petty squabbles on the www. what i will say is i have never bred a plummer. so i;m not qualified to comment on this side of the debate. if and when i do. it will be from worker to worker. or not at all. i have no involvement with any club be it plummer or otherwise. i moderate on the plummer forum. that i my only involvement. you crack on with your self promotion and i'll do my thing. :nono:

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