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pups confidence

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alright lads just back from walking the lurcher pup, shes only four months but iv been thinking iv been walking her with the pack or just the whippet and she is very bold for a young pup but have started to walk her on her own to let her build her own confidence without the reasurance of the pack and you can see a bit of a difference in her behaviour.


just like to see your opinions on this and do you think it makes a difference in a dog in the long run or will that confidence come later....

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i do the same mate with my saluki x pup. with the other dogs she is great as soon as she is on her own she is really quiet.


your best off not worrying or making a big deal about it just let her grow up and the confidence will improve with age. mine has improved a great deal now she is 9 months old. she wouldn't even come out the front door of the house when she was 3 to 4 months old.


the pup will learn from the older dogs about things. if the older dogs arnt scared by things then the pup will learn not to be. my pup would run 3 fields to get away from cows she was petrified. now after being with the older dogs around them she is quite happy to walk around with them in the field.


if you have another dog who is easily spooked or abit weary i would keep the pup away from it till she has learned from teh confident dogs. it works both ways, she will learn confidence and to be scared from older dogs.

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You need to walk the pup alone as well as with the other dogs. If she only gets out with the other dogs she will look to them for pack security and confidence. Take her on her own and get her to bond with you: she should see you as her protector and teacher. This helps with training as well: take her out, play games with her, sit down on a bench or somewhere, watch the world go by, and don't forget she's approaching the stage where she will be wary of new things and situations. If she doesn't experience these on her own, without other dogs, she may always feel scared when confronted with new things, people etc. Get her looking to you for guidance, not the other dogs.

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I often walk the whole gang together, but one on one is important too.

Pups need to take their cue from you. The others can be good to show them some of the way, but it should be you that they are looking to.

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i agree with skycat ..its hard when you have a few dogs..but time on your own with the pup can only be a good thing for it and for you ...you need the pup to depend on you not the rest of the dogs.,.i do aleast two or three times a week for an hour or so on my own with mine...when out with the other dogs mine just wants to scrag my young russel and getting the pups full attention can be tricky at times..

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alright lads just back from walking the lurcher pup, shes only four months but iv been thinking iv been walking her with the pack or just the whippet and she is very bold for a young pup but have started to walk her on her own to let her build her own confidence without the reasurance of the pack and you can see a bit of a difference in her behaviour.


just like to see your opinions on this and do you think it makes a difference in a dog in the long run or will that confidence come later....

Confidence is something you can build with the pup, socialize but dont overwhelm, no point taking 1 step forward and 2 back ,try to read the pups behavior,watch the body language it will inform you whats going on inside, in situations where it may cause long term effects , crazy kids ,dogs ,keep it nice and easy ,short and sweet,

plenty of one on one play with you even when out if you can fit it in ,get loads of eye contact when she wants something from you,,,jolly her along when she out, praise ,encouragement when shes doing well ,it'll fall into place for ya if you try seeing the world from the pups point of view,,best of luck

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for a few weeks my pup was the other way round i took her out lamping with my other dog and she would hold back but was more keen by her self . on the weekend she was out with a few different dogs and she was allright i think you get a good bond when you do plenty one on one .

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