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This may have been done before ..but what precautions do you take whilst digging? To prevent cave ins and such... Have any of you actually been witness or casuality to a cave in..and what was the end result? I knoew its a touchy subject and not 1 you,d actually like to think about but i suppose it can and does happen from time to time...all replies gratefully recieved...happt diggin for the season..atb stabba

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Cave ins really only occour in bad ground,ie,sand or what we would call running sand which i think is the worst of all soil to be diging in.Most lads will know the earths they dig and will allow for such things.If for instance we were diging down 6ft in sandy soil we will start the dig big enough to allow room to work when we get near the dog so we can break in properly,too small a hole and then it caves in and you are in trouble and so is the terrier,its all down to common sence,imho.

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when im digging deep in sandy soil i try to keep a ledge on each side to stand on because most cave ins are from your own weight and if it does happen mostly when your in about a foot from the dog dig, like fcuk the quicker ye there the better

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once had a cave in with beleive it or not my lurcher to ground in a rock earth :icon_eek: :icon_eek: luckily managed to rescue the dog plus what he went to ground for very close call only for the dog to run into a telegraph pole an kill himself a few days later gutted to say the least thats trouble with a good dog they try harder and they dont seem to last as long :cray:

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Wasn't there but a chap I knew had a cave in and suffocated in a soft sandy place in Cheshire.

I still occaisionly see his mum when I go back up country.


R.I.P. Jimmy Richmond. He was one of the good guys. ;)


Cheers, D.

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Me and 2 where having a dig on a sand hill about 9ft deep my mate was in the hole he past me the dog. i said leave the fox as was very dodgy as we pulled him out.

The hole caved in with the hill sliding down and bringing a tree down with it not a big tree but all the same was a very lucky that day


My old fella was digging on his own once in the middle of some wood, in sand and it caved in up up to his chest and he had to dig him self out with his hands

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