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Birmingham riot's

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liverpool has kicked off.,those c**ts will just plan it out.where all the cops are deployed,they will just riot elsewhere.wait till thier signing on day and just swoop them all up.id actually detuct cash from thier giros for the damage,or stop it alltogether.goverments perfect reason to draft in legislation to get these c**ts sorted out.

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  On 09/08/2011 at 23:38, Cold Ethyl said:

They wont though they never do if your not from this country you can get away with murder just about so it seems anyway.Id make all of them work in prisons as cleaners and cooks etc let them see what theyre facing so to speak


what all the good jobs lol

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  On 09/08/2011 at 23:38, Cold Ethyl said:

They wont though they never do if your not from this country you can get away with murder just about so it seems anyway.Id make all of them work in prisons as cleaners and cooks etc let them see what theyre facing so to speak

  On 09/08/2011 at 23:38, Cold Ethyl said:

They wont though they never do if your not from this country you can get away with murder just about so it seems anyway.Id make all of them work in prisons as cleaners and cooks etc let them see what theyre facing so to speak


3 square meals a day, gym , game stations, drugs, conjugal rights, eh,

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  On 09/08/2011 at 23:30, buster 8789 said:

A police offecer has been shoot at in aston.

Two fifteen year old girls were pepper sprayed beat up and robbed in phpe hayes (not far from aston) earlier this evening. It looks like they have started randomly attacking and robbing people on the street.

Edited by buster 8789
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Few lads I know in the army are on standby in England for the riots. Not hit Scotland yet so were not stood up.


If the army goes in to sort them out there will be broken arms and f**k knows what else as we have different rules to the police and them hickory sticks we use will snap bones in half. Not to mention the rubber bullets, they take you right out the game.


All a bit of a joke really. I've been Working late and don't even know why this is happening, I've not seen a minute of tv in over a week. Can someone enlighten me? Cheers

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  On 10/08/2011 at 00:05, Veedublee said:

Few lads I know in the army are on standby in England for the riots. Not hit Scotland yet so were not stood up.


If the army goes in to sort them out there will be broken arms and f**k knows what else as we have different rules to the police and them hickory sticks we use will snap bones in half. Not to mention the rubber bullets, they take you right out the game.


All a bit of a joke really. I've been Working late and don't even know why this is happening, I've not seen a minute of tv in over a week. Can someone enlighten me? Cheers


it all kicked off when someone parked in a disabled spot at tescos

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I dont like the way the police go about there jobs in this day and age but there are people with kids old people put these people that want to riot sent them to afghanistan, iraq with are soldiers the real man of today and and put them on the front line and see how hard they are then bet they all cry for mommy and daddy

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  On 09/08/2011 at 16:37, maxhardcore said:

Lessons definatley need to be learned.

This country has went to soft.

Get some pride back into our Nation.

Like someone has said Lords Prayer in assembly.

And maybe the Singing of the National Anthem.

Bring back the cane in school,

Give parents the right to chastise Kids.

Police MUST be 6 foot plus and physicaly Fit.

Bring back the Birch for Violent Crimes-Burgelry.

Hanging for Nonces-child Killers-OAP Killers.

Tell the Politically correct Brigade to f**k right off its the sensible majoritys way which is the right way.

Immigrants lucky enough to be allowed in MUST speak decent ENGLISH and swear to abide by OUR laws or your owt.

No benefits at all for immigrants till they have paid in for 5 years.

3 years conscription if teens are out of work for a year or more ( no war zones just in UK for floods ect, sea defences, learn a skill-trade, DISCIPLINE-RESPECT ect.)


Its not rocket science whats needed , the Goverment just needs to find its Backbone, pass a dozen sensible - workable laws and rip up the red tape thats f****d the country.#


Ps, Bring back ALL Fieldsports you Fuckwits.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast::victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:

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i think before much longer ,folk will take the law into there own hands and defent there property ,in which ever way they see fit !!



of all th images that have been on the tele the one that sickens me the most ..is the young chap that had taken a battering and then robbed by a wanker that was supposedly helping him and another c.t.. that was sick!!!.

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  On 10/08/2011 at 07:01, riohog said:

i think before much longer ,folk will take the law into there own hands and defent there property ,in which ever way they see fit !!



of all th images that have been on the tele the one that sickens me the most ..is the young chap that had taken a battering and then robbed by a wanker that was supposedly helping him and another c.t.. that was sick!!!.


yea mate,saw it,like f*****g hyenas skulking behind him raking in his back pack.cant wait to see the sentences they get handed.i have a feeling there gonna be some belters handed down for this.after all the goverment must be shown to be doing something,so the scum will think twice before taking to the streets again,

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  On 10/08/2011 at 06:32, steveS.Yorks said:

Notice the usual lefties arent posting on this one?


Welcome to the future,you think this is bad :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


theres nothing they could say to defend this.they would have been here commenting if it was white lads running a mock.bet they were glued to thier tvs trying to spot white lads.well the only whites there were the c**ts who choose to be friends with the tribe.there no f*****g better imo

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