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Birmingham riot's

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next stop manchester :toast:


i honestly dont know how you can think this is a good thing.people are struggling in business as it..A riot will put them out the game altogether.not to mention the cars being set alight,these people use thier motors to go to work and earn a living.surely you dont wanna see this spreading over the nation.


no sympathy for big businesses,hopefully the small businesses were properly insured and will be seen right.

obviously some innocent people will suffer with cars and houses getting burned and theres no excuse for that,but i'd like to see this happen every time a pig over steps the mark (without the damages to innocent people)

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police station in handsworth has gone up in flames.


Hope they keep the fire fighters out, let it fooking burn, shit hole

Dougie thats ok till you get your council tax bill and they load it to rebuild it....


as for riots every time a copper oversteps the mark??? wtf grow up....yeah some old bill go all sweeney but the vast majority are fine with you if you play the game...these little f*ckers are just on the rob, using the excuse of some druggy getting shot...if you was out shooting pigeons and the helicopter was scrammbled and you starting waving a 12 bore could you complain if they shot you (assuming you were still here?).


Dont get me wrong, hopefully i will get some work from it but its gonna cost us the tax payer not some insurance company. We will have to pay for the prosecutions, the jail time, the public enquiry, the vast amount of consultants from "the community" etc etc....

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FFS shows how bad it is Muslims are standing together in arms to stop their place being looted yet the police force (i use the term very loosely) are allowing this to happen and standing about doing f**k all.even the "Attack dogs "are a f*****g laugh a minute

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It's f*****g disgusting :censored: the police should be able to use more force like shooting the little cnuts, I just watched a youth support worker on the telly siding with them all saying " the youngsters are telling the goverment they have no jobs or work and whn they loot the shops they are saying they want things like this but have no money to get them as no jobs " What bollocks , they are all lazy shits who are quite happy staying on the dole, while theiving , smoking and selling draw and trying to shoot each other, they do not want work at all :nono: . And as for the home sectary terressa may, she is a stupid cow, she just done an interview where she was told that the public want the police to use more force, like gas and water cannons, she would not quite answer the question and when asked again about the cannon she said it was not an option it was not how the police are and they will deal with it by working with the comunity :doh::icon_eek::blink::icon_eek: is she being serious !!! its the comunity that is robbing and burning and wont be long before somone is killed, they do need to use more force, get them battons swinging . It was also brought up about the punishments, again what a joke the thought of prison to them is no threat , they do not see it as a punishment but more a free house that gives them a bit of street gred, the whole country is a joke .

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Is anyone realy surprised at all this ? Its been coming for some time and can only got worse with the shit they are allowing to stay in this country.

What i find sad is that its the indigenous Brits who should be on the streets (peacefully) protesting at the way they've been treated by succesive goverments over the past 20 yrs or so.

If this was white British youths would the police stand off and watch ? They are great at shaking down motorists when they see a tax disc out but not so keen on angry savages.

There is a race war coming, and middle class Britain has no stomach for a fight.

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Well, St Annes in Notts kicked off last night.


Where was the first place they went to loot?........


JD Sports! :laugh: and failed! f*****g pond life!


I'll be absolutely embarrassed to see the military take over BUT hopefully the lads that have been fighting tooth and claw for this 'great' country will realise what utter scum they have been fighting for and treat them with the firm hand the police should have. Give a single regiment free reign to seek out these b*****ds and make hard arrests and watch the riots end over night!

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Well, St Annes in Notts kicked off last night.


Where was the first place they went to loot?........


JD Sports! :laugh: and failed! f*****g pond life!


I'll be absolutely embarrassed to see the military take over BUT hopefully the lads that have been fighting tooth and claw for this 'great' country will realise what utter scum they have been fighting for and treat them with the firm hand the police should have. Give a single regiment free reign to seek out these b*****ds and make hard arrests and watch the riots end over night!

I cant see where its an embarrasment for them to call in the army. The army are paid to defend the country and thats exactly whats needed. I agree give them free reign and license to kill....... ;)

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Its an embarrasment because the army arnt meant for controlling riots, thats what the police are for AND perfectly capable of doing if allowed to. IMO calling in the army to sort this just shows the complete lack of control we have of our own country, which to me is embarrasing. The only time the military should be used for internal affairs is for terrorism or natural disasters. These riots should have been crushed by the police within 2 days, the army shouldnt be needed! Its beyond a joke now, the whole world will be laughing at us because we needed to bring in our military to sort out some riots.

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cant believe some lads are happy about this :blink:

its pretty obvious its not affecting you from the cmfort of your own home.i suspect thier attitudes would change if it was happening outside your front window.


to bring the army in,they would need to admit they have lost control of the mob.they wont send that message out.keep saying it,but our cops could stop that in a few hours.its just they are handling it like a live grenande.weak minded politicians scared of retrobutions.

nero played the violin,while rome burned,springs to mind.

Edited by scothunter
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