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Birmingham riot's

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Police are people, some good some total tossers....but if a mob of mainly black yoof was rioting in your neighbourhood and burning cars & looting, over a person shot dead some 110 miles away allegedly for waving a gun around, I am sure you would want them to attempt to stop it...


I am no fan of the police but respect that they have a job to do and a difficult one when they cant smash the f*ckers with a baton for fear of being called institutionally racist....


Incidentally my mate and i repair shutters in Bham so trade might pick up.....lol

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next stop manchester :toast:


i honestly dont know how you can think this is a good thing.people are struggling in business as it..A riot will put them out the game altogether.not to mention the cars being set alight,these people use thier motors to go to work and earn a living.surely you dont wanna see this spreading over the nation.

He just wants to see police get hurt mate........................weird!!

Who doesnt , bash all the piggy b*****ds

Not me.....i dont live with my head up my arse though........... :icon_eek:

and i do ? police are nothing but wankers , ino its there job but evryone has there own oppinion on them

seriously what do you think would happen tonight if they just said "f**k it " and all went home..............?

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only the slow would want the police hurt, im sure most of us have been locked up but would we be without the police? would we f**k..

if you was to get mugged or your missis raped you would be straight on the phone to the old bill just like the rest of us



bulldogman i recon you got some overtime coming :huh:

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Police are people, some good some total tossers....but if a mob of mainly black yoof was rioting in your neighbourhood and burning cars & looting, over a person shot dead some 110 miles away allegedly for waving a gun around, I am sure you would want them to attempt to stop it...


I am no fan of the police but respect that they have a job to do and a difficult one when they cant smash the f*ckers with a baton for fear of being called institutionally racist....


Incidentally my mate and i repair shutters in Bham so trade might pick up.....lol

Every cloud. :laugh:

Edited by buster 8789
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Shows the mentality of ther ferral Brumies eh? Rumours are said armed police have been sent in with intent (not sure how true this will turn out to be)


Police are looking for the better dressed criminals with primark labels hanging out the back



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It will be a bit of a joke if we have to bring the military in to sort this situation out. Quite frankly I would be embarassed! I would find it a bit disrespectfull to our troops, they're professional soldiers that are trained to do a seriously courageous job, not to slap the wrists of jumped up pricks in their own country.


The police are more than capable of sorting a bit of civil unrest if allowed to do their job. Bring out the water cannons, bean bag 12 gauges, dog units, mounted units and armed support and above all fecking use them, dont just make em stand there and watch!

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