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i have just got a 2011 cock goldie x roller canary,


i am feeding him on mixed canary seed, and i have colour food in his water 24 7.


he is on his own, with the goldfinch song cd on all day,


at the moment he is in a standard sized wire cage, that you might keep a canary in, as he can get a lot of exercise in this, i have 3 different perches in it,


in the evening i have him in the front room in our house, and sometimes i move him outside into a nice quiet shaded area through the day


although i have a small beautifully hand made hand painted mule cage that i was going to keep him in, which is the box type with bars at the front and sides only, it is a very nice cage but are they big enough to keep the bird fit and healthy, and happy.


will keeping him like this get maximum song from him or is there better ways,

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Personaly i hate mule cages,i feel a bird needs to at least be able lift itself off it's perch even if 2 wing beats and it's onto the next perch sort of thing.I'm talking about permanent living quaters here and not just a cage the bird might be in for a few hours at a time,but they have wings for a reason and imo a bird cannot be 100% fit and healthy if it never flys.So keep him if you know it's a him???,in the bigger cage and use the mule cage as an ornament. :thumbs: .

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cheers lads, how tame / steady can you get them within sensible reason i mean, and how old are they before the start to sing proper, he has started to sing a little bit already,

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  On 08/08/2011 at 19:46, fireman said:

Personaly i hate mule cages,i feel a bird needs to at least be able lift itself off it's perch even if 2 wing beats and it's onto the next perch sort of thing.I'm talking about permanent living quaters here and not just a cage the bird might be in for a few hours at a time,but they have wings for a reason and imo a bird cannot be 100% fit and healthy if it never flys.So keep him if you know it's a him???,in the bigger cage and use the mule cage as an ornament. :thumbs: .



I agree with Fireman on this.

He will stop singing when he goes into the moult and may not sing again for a few months, all you might here is broken song but by January of next year he should be starting to get into full song. How much he sings is down to how healthy he is and full health can be ensured with the correct diet. Alaunt touched on the subject saying to avoid fatty seeds such as hemp & niger. A good canary mix such as beyers, countrywide, versalle laga or the likes is fine plus greens once a week and multivitamins once a month in the water, you could also offer soaked seed once a week as well.

Regarding how steady he will be is down to him getting used to being around people so if he is alone all day it will take longer for him to become steady.

As he gets steadier offer a treat in your hand like a sunflower heart or a piece of apple and soon he will learn to trust you and take food from your hand but having said that this takes a lot of time and patience.

Good luck with him.

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Whilst on this cage size,steadyness topic bit,i've just built a extention to my aviary.It was started as a mule flight but without the room for another shed i've knocked it through to make one big aviary,now this could work either way with how flighty my mules end up as at the moment there in cages in my bird room/shed and i'm only in there quickly before work early and for a bit in the evenings so my birds aren't bomb proof shall we say :whistling: ,now once there out with the other birds and will have dogs and kids runnng about them all day they will i hope steady down a bit better,but then a large flock sort of thing could make it worse maybe :hmm: .

:censored: birds!, :laugh:

So here's my mule cage.



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  • 2 months later...

Well i have to say my birds have quieted down loads over the last month or two since they have been outside with the going on of family life happening around them,like i said they were in a outhouse with only a little person time a day but now i can go into the aviary and although they do feck off up one end they do settle down and will feed,bath etc after a minute or two.Here's a few pics of them from today and i have a few extra birds,a silver redpoll and a pair of irish fancy canaries and sorry for the quality of the pics but it ain't easy with the buggers flying around all the time,you have to be quick and my camera ain't :icon_redface: .










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  On 30/10/2011 at 17:38, fireman said:

Well i have to say my birds have quieted down loads over the last month or two since they have been outside with the going on of family life happening around them,like i said they were in a outhouse with only a little person time a day but now i can go into the aviary and although they do feck off up one end they do settle down and will feed,bath etc after a minute or two.Here's a few pics of them from today and i have a few extra birds,a silver redpoll and a pair of irish fancy canaries and sorry for the quality of the pics but it ain't easy with the buggers flying around all the time,you have to be quick and my camera ain't :icon_redface: .










Good pics them mate :thumbs:

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nice collection ther fireman i love the polls got a hen or to mesen mules are my type i never tire of breeding them each and every season brings something different .from the tiny minis to the norwich type ,home bred sib hens gives me a variety of colours from blues yellows pieds whites and buffs and yellows of all the colours ,pastells mmmm obsession has one might say ,but a healthy one .ha ha at bunnys.

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The 2nd and 3rd pic up are of my clear greenie mule,she has been colour fed and hasn't come out to bad but the pics don't do her justice really.Got a normal cock redpoll for that silver hen(hen,i'm hoping anyway,lol) and can't wait for next year to give a few different x's a go.

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