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Pigeon flight path

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Hey all,


Just bought my first shotgun and i wanted to ask some questions


I went out on my first shot gun shoot and I found an awesome place to hide. It's in the corn and it's head height so the pigeons dont see you until the last second.

It seems to be directly on a pigeon flight path. Every 10 min they all seem to fly ove the same spot.


I have bought some plastic 25 per set pigeon decoys... Will this work to attract them?

How can I make my own moving decoys?

Was I just lucky or do pigeon flights have patterns?

What's the best time ofdayfor them as I have only know rabbit patterns?


All the help possible would be great as a keen novice.







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Hi Alex, Woodies tend to stick to a flight path throughout their lives and it is believed they copy it from there parents! These flight paths do change so its worth checking your flight path over several days to make sure it is in the same spot. Woodies will face into the wind when eating on the floor so using a bit of varitaion generally face you deeks into the wind, on a still day face them South Westerly as this is the prevailing wind for the UK. Set your decoys in a horse shoe pattern with the open end at the back and the incoming birds should land somewhere in the middle. John Batleys The Pigeon Shooter is well worth a read though. Hope this helps a little mate. Pigeon decoying is some of the best and most challenging sport going! Have fun.

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  On 11/08/2011 at 19:35, Alex Arrigone said:

thanks for your advice. i have tried the horse shoe and it seems to work :)





If your on a flight path then you dont need your decoys......just shoot them on there way home.....maybe get into position 1 hour before dark and sit tight. As said they tend to fly into the wind. Great shooting, my favourite i'd say. :thumbs:

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