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the dreaded myximatosis

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whilst out shooting rabbits over the past few weeks , ive noticed a huge increase in myxi spreading through my shooting grounds . this is very fustrating as a myxi rabbit is no use to any one (i know theres no risk to me or my ferrets but all the same id rather not eat them ) . my question is , is this this going to set in for a long period or will the rabbit population rapidly recover . does a hard cold winter have any effect on the spread of the virus.

maybe i should start finding new permission in an as of yet un-effected area !

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Myxy will come and go. Populations can go from almost nil to rife in a matter of a couple of months.

Harsh winters seem to spark off outbreaks around me more than milder ones and my own theory is that the coneys spend more time in bunnies swapping fleas that carry the disease.

Also, when populations are very dense, myxy can go through the lot like a dose of salts. Frustrating, but we're stuck with it for now.

I'm lucky inasmuch as I have a few permissions, so if one area goes through a bad spell, I usually have at least one productive site to go at.

If you can get a few permissions it puts you in a better position and often provides other quarry to go at too.


Good luck!




Ps - RVHD can be worse than myxomatosis. Kills a colony rapido with no signs of sick rabbits. They just apparently disappear.

Pps - welcome to the forum :drinks:

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Hello and welcome mate ,thats why your better with permission scattered about if myxi hits one you still have other places to go , And at this time of year id kill the infected rabbits hard theres still time for the clean rabbits to have another litter

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first off , welcome to the site mate...secondly, my mate caught(term loosely used) a myxi rabbit last night.. :icon_eek: first time we've had the dreaded myxi for a few years....hope it dont spread too far(but its good for starting a pup off lol easy targets...).......atb mate..chris

Edited by sighthound1811
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