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I,v run and bred whippets for thirty years I own other x,s as well but I,ll always have a whippet in my team . I,v had good ones and not so good ones but never one that was good for nothing.The best

Bull x's are for people that have a small penis and are looking for a cock extension but have an amazing fox dog that takes anything single handed by accident

Why in the world would there ever be a whippet vs bull x argument. Totally different dogs, for different jobs (although the foxing folk do get a bit upset when they realize that the humble whippet is

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  On 08/08/2011 at 12:10, dances said:

If thl was fishing I'd catch allday everyday :D


What bandwagon?


It's folk like you thats fecking this site up, you know nothing and it's about time you grew up lad. Whippet owners don't throw there dogs out of the jeep after there quarry after chasing at around for half and hour to tire it out before throwing them out the window just because your dogs arnt' fast enough to catch it if it was given fair law. Lads like you will end up getting working with dogs totally banned. Remember to use a tissue the next time you sneeze as you may lose your last remaining brain cell.

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  On 08/08/2011 at 20:25, Malt said:
  On 07/08/2011 at 20:07, HAMMERDAN said:

On here mate, whippets are no good for anything, they get slated for beign to skinny an soft, they hate cold nights and shiver to much and can't take any other quarry than rabbit..


Don't take it to heart...


Whippets - as above


Bull x - thick, slow, turn like a oil tanker, owned by chavs, have feet like ducks


Collie x - too clever, pick their runs, jackers


Beddy x - no good yappers all bred from non working terriers


Saluki & their crosses - slow, plodding, untrainable, don't do recall, thick


Greyhounds/grews - no stamina, too fast, bad feet, can't stop


..anybody see a pattern? :hmm::laugh:


The only cross you hardly hear anyone slag off on here is the deerhound cross.. :hmm:



Such is the way with working dogs. People like what they like & everything else is shit! :laugh:


That should be pinned mate, haha, great post!

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  On 08/08/2011 at 20:25, Malt said:
  On 07/08/2011 at 20:07, HAMMERDAN said:

On here mate, whippets are no good for anything, they get slated for beign to skinny an soft, they hate cold nights and shiver to much and can't take any other quarry than rabbit..


Don't take it to heart...


Whippets - as above


Bull x - thick, slow, turn like a oil tanker, owned by chavs, have feet like ducks


Collie x - too clever, pick their runs, jackers


Beddy x - no good yappers all bred from non working terriers


Saluki & their crosses - slow, plodding, untrainable, don't do recall, thick


Greyhounds/grews - no stamina, too fast, bad feet, can't stop


..anybody see a pattern? :hmm::laugh:


The only cross you hardly hear anyone slag off on here is the deerhound cross.. :hmm:



Such is the way with working dogs. People like what they like & everything else is shit! :laugh:


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Let them think what they like BUT those of us who keep these little dogs will go on enjoying them and Know what they are capable of it"s just a shame that keepers of other breeds feel the need to comment when most have no experience of them but just go on hear say,rumour and myth and then some just like to sit at there keyboards and try and stir the shit making inane comments

In the past I"ve run saluki types,collie hybrids and even a bull cross and know something of there strengths and weaknesses but nowadays I enjoy my whippets and get great pleasure from these fiery little dogs who generally punch well above their weight.

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  On 07/08/2011 at 21:20, mally said:
  On 07/08/2011 at 21:06, Ideation said:

I run one mate, and he does for me. When it comes to ferreting, and general mooching, our team, which is a whippet, a 5/8 3/8 grey/collie and a bull/whip x beddy/grey, seem to be able to pull most things off between them, and are learning to work to the best of each other strengths. Like you said, i think a lot underestimate the whippet as a breed. . . .


Top post and totally agree, out this afternoon with my young 13 month old pup and he ran and caught something double his wieght even though i had to staple him up afterwards he never let go. I wouldn't run owt else as they are suited to the land i run them on. Alot of people underestimate them.





Top Dog of yours Mally, too all you other guys out there knocking Whippets, I have had the priveledge of actually seeing these dogs work, and boy do they, that dog in the middle for a youngster is amazing, he tangled with something the other day which was much bigger which caused some damage to him, and he steadfastly refused to let go until ordered, and the next day was up and ready for some more mooching.



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  On 09/08/2011 at 10:09, Stanleigh said:

Personally I,m happy to let the whippet knockers carry on , the more they run the breed down the less likely it is that the macho messers will get involved with them.

They never will anyway Stan, whippets don't look hard enough :thumbs:

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  On 08/08/2011 at 10:43, fieldsman said:

I,v run and bred whippets for thirty years I own other x,s as well but I,ll always have a whippet in my team . I,v had good ones and not so good ones but never one that was good for nothing.The best I,v ever had made me smile every day she regularly caught 3 and 4 on the fens and silenced a few saluki x lads.Dont get me wrong I own saluki x dogs from good lines but this Whippet was a top dog and I will probably never see another like her every one that saw her run and there were many complimented on the way she ran .Her best day was 6 out of 7 and in that same year she caught just under 300 single handed and over 200 the next year it was a sad day when she died .I have 4 pups from her lines here at the moment and I,m keeping them all just incase there is one made of the same stuff ,I live in hope but I dont think any one would be lucky enough to have 2 like her in one liftime,I,ll post on their progress in 10 months time if any turn out like her .Any one that slags Whippets has not worked one to its strengths they are very game and are able to perform well above themselves.

300 hares in one season .season: october to end of february 151 days so you were killing at least 2 hares EVERYDAY singlehanded daytime on the fens and then 200 the next season that is some going m.p's 'lucky' killed i think just over 500 in his career must of been some animal mate

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