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what!!! were we at the same show ? we were told it was 5 euro and kids free yea in to the dog show ! we were not told that you had to pay into a farm so that we could get to the show !!! then the racing well when they did get it gonig it was a mess re run after rerun people payed to race there dogs and didnt get to run and didnt get there money back .yes i know it was for a good cause but not even a sorry .

the lads did'nt know about that until after the fact they were meant get 5 a head and give the land owner 2 from each of that but i dont think the girls at the gate were wide to that and everyone was told to see Paddy for a refund for the racing ,some did but most did'nt bother and some carried over to the show ring

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all photos taken by david boyd, he ask me to put them up for him as his computer isnt working at the moment hope u's like them. good job davy

Fairplay to Strong Stuff for sending over a smashing collar for the winner of the strong dog show

Well lads a good show ran by lads learning there trade Big plus seeing J K handling the lurchers 50 plus years with them On the other side a novice with the terriers but still done a good job

have to say hats off to the paddy timmy and co. who ran the show

1800 euro is alot of money for a good cause on only its second year running

could not stay for long my self but wanted to at least make the show for a good cause

look forward to next year


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While the lads that ran this show are to be commended for putting it on and raising money for a good cause I think we need to be a bit more honest in our posts. I've been to most of the shows in the country this year and to say this was the best in the country when you see what the other smaller shows have put on this year is a real streach to say the least.I drove 300 miles round trip to get to the show with the wife and 5 kids, got stung for €14 at the gate,another €10 to get into the show, the racing was a joke and not just because the lure broke, the terrier judge was calling the winners in by their first names (he could at least pertend he didn't know them).I'm not trying to knock anyone I just think we need to get real.

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Fairplay to Strong Stuff for sending over a smashing collar for the winner of the strong dog show



A nice gesture from SS for sick kids, pity the land owner wanted €2 a car, which could have gone to a good cause?

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when entering the gate if u were turning right u just wave to the fella at the gate and let him know ur going to dog show but if u didnt tell him he charged u paddy and timmy are going mad over this because they had all ready agreed terms wit the park owner

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wat a great show best one this year regards dogs paddy and timmy have asked me to thank every body for there surport ,, thank u lads

You must have been at a different show than me alan because the amount of terriers on show was a disaster compared to the westmeath.Not knocking the lads that ran it,fair play to them.There did seem to be a good few lurchers about but the terriers were scarce,only two borders for that class and they were a husband and wife team i think,they were definately together.5 terriers in the lakeland class,9 in the russell class,now how can you say it was the best regards dogs,also very badly signposted,there were signs for rathbeggan lakes and park but only 1 little sign with dog show on it just across from the entrance.

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when entering the gate if u were turning right u just wave to the fella at the gate and let him know ur going to dog show but if u didnt tell him he charged u paddy and timmy are going mad over this because they had all ready agreed terms wit the park owner

I pulled up to the guy on the gate, told him we were for the dog show, he said oh that's right we have a paddock set up for ye up on the right and that'll be €2 a head kids and all.

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when entering the gate if u were turning right u just wave to the fella at the gate and let him know ur going to dog show but if u didnt tell him he charged u paddy and timmy are going mad over this because they had all ready agreed terms wit the park owner

I pulled up to the guy on the gate, told him we were for the dog show, he said oh that's right we have a paddock set up for ye up on the right and that'll be €2 a head kids and all.

Same as that,i did'nt mind untill i was told it was nothing to do with the charity raising for temple st hospital.

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i have just talk to paddy and he talked to the park owner he said no matter wat part of the park u were going [ fun part ] fishing part ] or any other part u were still charged 2euro so paddy has told him in kind words that he wont be holding it in his park ever again ,, and paddy says he sorry for the mishap

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