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  On 30/08/2011 at 10:25, PuBS said:

Dont worry Richie, its me he doesnt like, no doubt the antis are rubbing their hands in glee at how he attempts to disrupt us who actually do work in the country and enjoy all country pursuits, no snobs here, would be so nice to put a face and real name and meet him in person, never going to happen is it.

With characters like GP trying to reinforce class divisions with their comparisons is so outdated.


Anti's rubbing their hands with glee??? As a rule they can't be arsed with sites such as this when there a serious debate going on, so you're certainly deluding yourself big time if you think they have the slightest interest in our little discussion. Would those delusions be delusion of grandeur perhaps?


Class divisions..... is there such a thing in this day and age?


What I do see is ignorance, lack of education, a disregard for the law, reverse snobbery and social malaise, due to so many thinking the world owes them a favour and worklessness.


Now thats a social commentary if ever there was one. LOL

Edited by Greek Phil
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Funny how I get messages asking what I know about you Greek Phil seems you are getting a reputation as a troll on other forums. "Just because its free" etc, well doesnt matter if it works or not does

Shouldn't that read too great.   So much for public school education.........   As I am a night shift with little to do except wait for a disaster I have read this thread and cannot believe that y

ffs how did all this shite stem from the origional post? the poor lad only asked for a bit of beating


This guy is regularly popping up on the forums to try and 'educate' us how public opinion is behind Stalkers and shooters and against everything else.

He thinks that Beagles following an artificial scent trail is hunting.

He has the same arguments and also goes round and round the subject but never actually answers the question, he will talk about modern society and how it has moved on from tradditional aspects of the countryside.

He is a townie who believes he is educated and that he has money, which from the sounds of it came not from his own hard work but this parents.

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  On 30/08/2011 at 11:58, Richie10 said:


This guy is regularly popping up on the forums to try and 'educate' us how public opinion is behind Stalkers and shooters and against everything else.

He thinks that Beagles following an artificial scent trail is hunting.

He has the same arguments and also goes round and round the subject but never actually answers the question, he will talk about modern society and how it has moved on from tradditional aspects of the countryside.

He is a townie who believes he is educated and that he has money, which from the sounds of it came not from his own hard work but this parents.


Oh goody Richie's going to tell us a story.


So gather around children and to day we'll be going thru the square window._38192599_tikkabilla150.jpg

Edited by Greek Phil
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so just another troll then richie from verbosity to one liner rather indicates you may have a point!! Insults to your intelligence also indicate that hes sussed out again -its not the Hitchin Troll is it, chis sutton by real name perhaps.

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He pestered Guntrader Forum except some of the guys there sussed out who he was and where he lived- Hitchin herts. He made all sorts of threats and then crapped himself when they informed him they knew where he lived, gave his street address too.

This one is similar but may be a House Karl, Grant assisted or some jerky from another shooting forum.

Who cares the mans an elitist, arrogant fool!!

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Good to see you're both off chasing phantoms. Good to see you becoming less trepidatious now you have an allie Nick. That dose of vitriol served you well.


You know what thy say about believeing everything you read or everything some one whispers in your ear. They are almost as bad as statistics

Edited by Greek Phil
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  On 31/08/2011 at 09:37, PuBS said:

who cares anyway GP you getting sexual gratification from being such a clever clogs, good for you, saves the wrist, are you right or left handed, or ambidextrous?


He isn't clever that's the thing, he has a repetative argument that he never strays from and when asking specific questions he will skirt the question.

He is like the phone companies based in India, he has a list of reponses on a piece of paper and anything that deviates he is lost.

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Not into self gratification in the slightest Nick. I leave that to retired bankers and old verbose, vitriolic obsessives, with a need to feel wanted whilst flogging a dead horse.


I just keep it real and ignore the lies, whispers and false leads. Whilst exchanging views and information with the likes of The Gatekeeper.


I think that just about does it for me on this entertaining and delightful subject.


You have a good day now. :bye:

Edited by Greek Phil
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  On 30/08/2011 at 08:50, Richie10 said:

Please run us through the 3 speices of deer you saw coursed before the ban and your account of it.


He has never seen any such thing Ritchie, he is simply relying on heresay and old wives tales.....he knows he is and we know he is.

He may have paid to pull a trigger a couple of times in his life but that is as far as his actual knowledge runs........you can dress that up as much as you like behind good grammar, but it will always shine through to those that know waht they are talking about ;)

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