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Springer spaniel Pup training HELP

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Hi there, Ive got my self a 10 week old springer pup he has 21 field trial champs in his lines. we have been getting along fine he knows his name and i have started him retrieving a tennis ball and pup dummy which he loves and does very well. I need some advice on what training to be ding and when t do it.


Also need advide as to getting te pup on a lead as he htes it and just lies down when i put the lead on.



Many thanks



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i got one same age and breeder said to start training on a lead and then use like a tracking lead for sit and stay and gradually increase the distance.

he said too many people buy spaniels and let them run loose until their 6 months then try and start training and get frustrated when they are still trying to run wild.

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Try wrapping the lead loosely around the dogs neck so it doesn't trail along the ground and then when the dog lies down walk away. If it doesn't follow try encouraging it to you, maybe using the tennis ball, or hide round a corner which should prompt the dog to feel like it's being left behind. Once it's happy with the wearing the lead, gently unwrap it and hold it loosely while encouraging the dog to walk to heel.


Also, buy as many training books as you can, watch training DVDs and maybe join a training class.

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Hi there, Ive got my self a 10 week old springer pup he has 21 field trial champs in his lines. we have been getting along fine he knows his name and i have started him retrieving a tennis ball and pup dummy which he loves and does very well. I need some advice on what training to be ding and when t do it.


Also need advide as to getting te pup on a lead as he htes it and just lies down when i put the lead on.



Many thanks



I'd take it for a walk, throw a ball for it half a dozen times each walk and when its off the lead call it back to you 10 times in each walk. Your gently introducing recall and retrieving without the pup getting bored. Thats all i'd do till it was a year old. Just let the pup be a pup, dont overdo it.


Mush'.......this is spaniel training not wee fat staffie training................. :D

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Hi there, Ive got my self a 10 week old springer pup he has 21 field trial champs in his lines. we have been getting along fine he knows his name and i have started him retrieving a tennis ball and pup dummy which he loves and does very well. I need some advice on what training to be ding and when t do it.


Also need advide as to getting te pup on a lead as he htes it and just lies down when i put the lead on.



Many thanks



I'd take it for a walk, throw a ball for it half a dozen times each walk and when its off the lead call it back to you 10 times in each walk. Your gently introducing recall and retrieving without the pup getting bored. Thats all i'd do till it was a year old. Just let the pup be a pup, dont overdo it.


Mush'.......this is spaniel training not wee fat staffie training................. :D


The wee staffy that has you and ya potlickers running scared :laugh: :laugh:


Besides the pup is 10weeks old ffs let it be a bairn only training you should be doing is sit and come the rest is all play and bonding, as for the lead I've found and I don't give a fec about saying it just keep going works best (do this on grass as pavement will fuuck up the dog) even if you have to pull it along the ground but never be angry and the only communication should be with your body language telling the pup that it should be following you lead or not! This is what worked for me but maybe not for you. I've done this with all my dogs and after the first time they get the message all my dogs are very stable and well behaved.


P.S. Don't listen to lab he keeps potlickers that could fec up licking a plate and couldn't find the door when the bell rings let alone game :laugh:

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My pup is the same age, got him sitting to a hand signaldone by holding my hand and saying sit before feeding him, only when his arse touches the floor does he get his food.I only throw the ball two or three times max a day, this keeps his interest up, he's been on the lead a few times, hated it at first but tonight he was fine and seemed to get what i wanted,

As has been said already, i got the DVD's and the Joe Irving book both are very good, i prefer the dvd as you can see exactly how it's done :thumbs:


Good luck mate & keep in touch, whe can keep an eye on their progress :thumbs:

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