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Hi, Im a serving British solder who is currently serving in Afgan, During my post tour leave I will be willing to help out on any beats, verman control, kennel cleaning, dog walking or even good old labour. I know your probally thinking were is the catch, well theres not. Im 26 yrs old, Ive served just under 9 years in the infantry, Im a badged sniper and a section commander, married and have just become a father. I have always had a passion for the outdoors, air rifle hunting and working my terrier and I need a change in career (fed up being on a 2 way range). If this is going to be possible for me then Im willing to work hard for free in my spare time to gain experience and meet the right people to point me in the right direction.

I have a full driving licence and my own landrover, Im a qualifyed skill at arms instructor, map reading instructor, first aid instructor, have range saftey qulifactions (military A Qual), I ve served in Bosnia, Iraq and Afgan, Im fit and keen to learn all aspects of gamekeeping/ Conservation/ Landmanagment.

I hope this plee unlocks some doors or even just lets me in the corridoor.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

James Brennan. (North West England)

Edited by br4568hldrs
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  • 3 weeks later...

No luck so far, even with over 170 views. I guess that the people reading this were probally looking for the same thing as me. Well quiting is for the weak and I wasnt raised that way. So I give my plee to the next 170 views lol Even if you cant help me, If you know a man who knows a man who once had a dog which was bred by a man who knows a man who can help! Throw me a bone :huh:

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My advice is take the provided option of retraining.


Get some qualification that are actually demanded by potential employers whilst you can.That the army will pay you to do and pay for the courses. There' s no call for a arms instructor, map reading instructor, range safety officer in the line of work that your looking to make a start in.


Now if you'd said chainsaw, pesticide, herbicide, tractor driving, fishery or forestry management or even a better still a land management degree..........


Good luck and if you want a serious talk PM me.

Edited by Greek Phil
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Hello bud,

If you can travel down to Herefordshire for a couple of day's when your back home your welcome to come out on a couple of shoot day's here if that's any help,we'll be on twice a week 200/250 bird day's,from mid october,let me know if that's any good to you?

At least you can see a bit of action on a high bird shoot and see what you think!! :thumbs:

cheer's stando.

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  On 03/09/2011 at 05:25, stando said:

Hello bud,

If you can travel down to Herefordshire for a couple of day's when your back home your welcome to come out on a couple of shoot day's here if that's any help,we'll be on twice a week 200/250 bird day's,from mid october,let me know if that's any good to you?

At least you can see a bit of action on a high bird shoot and see what you think!! :thumbs:

cheer's stando.



stand up guy , good on you :)

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Have a look on the ELC website. There is a scheme called PE FE/HE. If it is your first degree/level 3 learning qual they MOD will pay ALL tutition fees, not just the £1000/year that the basic ELC will pay. As has been said, you will need to retrain and get some civilian quals. In the real world no one gives a f**k that you can do an APFT in 09.30mins, or apply a CAT to your mate while under fire. Rape the Army for all you can, they take enough from you. Bleed them dry. Make sure that you get your full resettlement grant, and use your SLC every year before you leave. No one will thank you if you don't. Drop me a PM if you want more info.



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