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The good far outweighs the bad,Ian turned off the site,I think it was for a few days?Several years ago,he and others had just had enough,there was loads of petty arguments at the time,thread-spoilers

I am going to have a good old rant....why is it [bANNED TEXT] someone puts a topic up or something for sale there r members on here who love to jump in slag u off call u for wat evr u do i have never

This place makes me laugh out loud at least once a day, and grin like an idiot many times a day. There are some really funny people on here, and the one liners are class More than makes up for the a

Hit your finger with a hammer..........wont help your toothache but it will take your mind of it for a few minutes.......... :laugh:

lab, god knows why you'd choose to repeat the advice your ma gave you when she caught you with an erection when Bros were on at the Brits when you were 7, it doesn't apply to me now! I'm more in to mcfly, and they don't like hammers!

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Just spat ma teeth oot readin that last page !! :laugh:

Grandad................... :laugh:

see i can do it too............. :tongue2:

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