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lamping last night

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went out lamping last night for rabbits but a better opportunity arose.when i went into the first field there was a good many rabbits and a fox so changed rifles and shot the fox at about 150 yards.we saw another one but he went into the wood straight away,so carried on around the farm and had 6 rabbits then we headed up the road to his other farm we saw another fox but he was to close to the house so we watched him for a while with the night vision binos but he went into some cover we waited a while but he didn't come back out so we moved on and saw another one but he just ran like the wind when the lamp went on him.we then dropped in a farm on the way home and i shot 2 on there the one was a very big bugger to,didn't get to shoot many rabbits because we were after the foxes in the end. there was a lot of rabbits running everywher but the farmer would prefer the foxes gone as he is gonna put some pheasants down this year but he does want the rabbits gone forgot my phone and my camera so i didn't get no pics.

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