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.17 HMR long range rabbit.

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Markha, I use "shooter" by Sean Kennedy on my HTC, again it is bob on out to about 300 with the .17hmr. Too many other variables then come into play. I prefer to work in milrad myself, but only stuck a cheap Bushnell banner 3-9 x 40 on it, which I don't regret as it more than does its job, but I know I can do more, with a slightly bigger magnification range.

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SW there are some very good apps to buy, the free ones are very limited and I used a few which basically didnt work and kept hanging, been getting on very well with Gunsim and it seems Tegater is more than happy with 'Shooter'.


What am I using in my hmr? Hornady 17gr V-Max all the way mate, super accurate and I can honestly say I get less than 1/2" groups at 100m and then when stepping up to 170m it opens out to around 1.8" as an average, I have tried out to 250m and got a more open grouping of around 3.5" and this on a day with variable gusts of wind to 8mph, so not bad at all.


I know there have been folks getting much further targets with fine groupings as well, the usual stories of crows at 300yds etc, perhaps there have been some flukie shots, but much past 200m and wind starts to play a very big part on this little bullet, and even if you step up to 20gr thats only 3 more grains! and the bullet drop is a fair bit more.


Im using a SAK moderator at the moment, but I did take my Twink Silencer off my air rifle and put in on my CZ, well I can honestly say it was extremely quiet compared to the SAK, but it only handled one round then a couple of baffles blew out, the Twink is still super silent on the air rifle though so no dramas really! I know A&M gunsmiths make a Twink for the HMR and I think Ill get in touch and get one as if its as quiet as the air rifle one I blew up then thats fantastic!

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SWshooter. Pretty much agree with Markha in everything he says. I use Hornady V max and have found these much better than the hollow point for reliably hitting the target at long range, mainly due to the fact that they are slightly flatter. I am currently using Hornady blue tip, but only because they were a good price at the time. I have used hornady red tip and remmy accu tip, and found no difference with any of them. As Markha says the HP gives you an extra 3 grains, but the additional small amount of energy gained, for me is not worth it. The V max is more than capable of dropping foxes in excess of 100yds, but I must stress you need to know your limits with the rifle, and foxes are not for experimenting on. Head shots aren't acceptable, they have to be in the brain.

What I have found is that if you zero at 110yds (100m approx) the rifle will shoot like a laser out to 130 and apps etc are not needed. The bullet then starts to drop quite quickly with gravity, and if you wish to maintain head shots consistently on bunnies out to 180-200 then you need to know the range to the nearest 10yds. If like me you get into longe range vermin control (long for hmr) i would advise getting a cheap set of laser range finders, and then adjust your drums, or, use your reticle.

Some people will think this is a lot of faffing about, but a lot of vermin I shoot on the moors are in the middle of large open spaces with no way of getting closer. I would rather take my time and get guarenteed kills, than guessing and getting a miss or injury.

You will have a lot of fun with your new rifle, and if you stick to a disciplined cleaning regime, you will whack stuff with ease.

If the wind picks up to above 10mph it makes it a little harder over 100yds, but if you can read the wind-AND know what to do with the information, you can still get good kills.

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