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haha [bANNED TEXT] a shit topic this has turned into you carnt stop a terrier from working rabbit they will chase anythink that moves as for going to ground for them i hope i never do and havent had to as off yet terrier make great bushing dogs

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I stick matches under the rabbits toes and when the terriers are about i light them, when the rabbit squeals in tends to focus the terriers attention and hey presto more shite terriers working f****n

IMO,if you are hunting rabbits with your diging dogs sooner or later they will go to ground on rabbit and when they do it once and get a taste for it its hard to stop them doing it again.

  On 05/08/2011 at 16:40, fat man said:
  On 05/08/2011 at 15:48, Born To Dig said:

think your the one thats talking shit really

Totally agree.


how f*****g stupid is that post he said so you would be happy to dig down to what you think was a fox butt find out its a rabbit, no it wouldnt f*****g happen my dogs only mark rabbits and if i did have to dig to a rabbit id no it would be a rabbit not fox by how the dog was working it and acting so i wouldnt be expecting a f*****g fox if ever i had to dig to a rabbit ffs thick as f**k :laugh:

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why not post a decent response to the lads question he dont know what he`s on about thats whys he`s asking advice ,.. fair play to the lads that have tried to help but some of the others replys c`mon lads thl`s full of shit already so why add to it ...

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Unbelievable!! It's like back in the playground. Who gives a f##k what someone else does or works with there dogs. If you go out with earthdogs only and you have a good line that you always use what does it matter if someone from the other end of the country who you will probably never meet anyway wants to take them for rabbits or rats or whatever. I use my terriers for HUNTING!! If someone has a terrier doing 100 foxes a season, (a good bit more than I could). I DON'T CARE. I concentrate on what I do and what I get enjoyment from and If everyone else would do the same they'd probably be alot happier! Were all ment to be countrymen supporting each other with similar interests instead of bitching because someone does it a bit different from them. Rant over! :)

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