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I have always used the Mark 1 with two collars, I am interested in the new Mark 3, but there does seem to be a few negative posts, is it far better than the Mark 1, just it justify the price tag, the cheapest I have seen a Mark3 M with two collars, is £244 a lot of money, and what is the benefit of the new Magnetic switch, compared to the Mark3 without,

All answers gratefully received.

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right the mk3m is the magnetic swith inside the collar to turn it off . instead of having to take the batterys out of the normall mk3


and yes ur locater will pick up a ferret collar . itsa the same box



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iv got one of the mk3 s but dont think that its that accurate on telling you how deep it is mine says 5ft deep when its only 2ft or a 1ft deep unless theres something wrong with it i dont know but i find the grey boxes to be reliable and accurate to use

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iv got one of the mk3 s but dont think that its that accurate on telling you how deep it is mine says 5ft deep when its only 2ft or a 1ft deep unless theres something wrong with it i dont know but i find the grey boxes to be reliable and accurate to use

i use both myself mate but perfer the mk3 any day mines reads spot on think there might be something wrong with yours mate :hmm:

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iv got one of the mk3 s but dont think that its that accurate on telling you how deep it is mine says 5ft deep when its only 2ft or a 1ft deep unless theres something wrong with it i dont know but i find the grey boxes to be reliable and accurate to use


This appears to be a popular problem, and is mentioned on other forums, some finding this a problem, and others saying there's is okay

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