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As an example of this you just have to look at some of the cultures living away from 'modern society' they still have contact but its minimal due to the nature of their terrain. They never get sick, if they get sick it becomes very serious as theres a good chance of death! They are tough and hard because they are living a much more natural life than us lot. In there lives, sickness often equals death. Make alot of westerners live their lives and I dare say the survival rate would drop rapidly untill nature had weeded out the weak.


Im not saying we should all pack up with medicine but your comment about the paradox of medicine not being natural so its bad is flawed, IMO.


This is all just my opinion, im probably wrong...


I agree with you on an Animal basis, only the strong survive and that's how it should be, but on a human level it becomes a lot more complicated, because what makes someone strong? Hawkins certainly isn't an example of fine strapping man capable of bending a barrel full of horse shoes in one sitting is he lol, Yet his knowledge and brain power is invaluable to the human race. Strength comes in more than just a physical form when it comes to humans, that's why it's important that we have medicine and such like.


I agree about the animals though :good: .


Im inclined to agree that medicine is indeed important to the human race however I dont think I believe that we would be any less advanced scientifically if we played by natures rules of 'survival of the fittest' a bit more. Yes Hawking has an amazing mind but so do many dozens of other perfectly healthy physicists/mathematicians/academics. Science is there to be discovered, one individual may be recorded in history as having done it but if they were never alive it wouldnt have gone undiscovered...


I understand there is also the belief that susceptibility to disease is a sign of genetic weakness on many more levels than physical health. Im quite possibly wrong on this though or just recalling a very subjective theory...


We, as a species, have chosen to use science to protect our selves from the evils of the natural world. Its the path we have chosen, Im not saying its wrong but I dont necessarily believe its going to get us to a more advanced state any faster either.


This is way toooo 'deep' for a dog nutrition thread! lol


All just opinion as well of course, my points no more valid than your own. :thumbs:

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As an example of this you just have to look at some of the cultures living away from 'modern society' they still have contact but its minimal due to the nature of their terrain. They never get sick, if they get sick it becomes very serious as theres a good chance of death! They are tough and hard because they are living a much more natural life than us lot. In there lives, sickness often equals death. Make alot of westerners live their lives and I dare say the survival rate would drop rapidly untill nature had weeded out the weak.


Im not saying we should all pack up with medicine but your comment about the paradox of medicine not being natural so its bad is flawed, IMO.


This is all just my opinion, im probably wrong...


I agree with you on an Animal basis, only the strong survive and that's how it should be, but on a human level it becomes a lot more complicated, because what makes someone strong? Hawkins certainly isn't an example of fine strapping man capable of bending a barrel full of horse shoes in one sitting is he lol, Yet his knowledge and brain power is invaluable to the human race. Strength comes in more than just a physical form when it comes to humans, that's why it's important that we have medicine and such like.


I agree about the animals though :good: .


Im inclined to agree that medicine is indeed important to the human race however I dont think I believe that we would be any less advanced scientifically if we played by natures rules of 'survival of the fittest' a bit more. Yes Hawking has an amazing mind but so do many dozens of other perfectly healthy physicists/mathematicians/academics. Science is there to be discovered, one individual may be recorded in history as having done it but if they were never alive it wouldnt have gone undiscovered...


I understand there is also the belief that susceptibility to disease is a sign of genetic weakness on many more levels than physical health. Im quite possibly wrong on this though or just recalling a very subjective theory...


We, as a species, have chosen to use science to protect our selves from the evils of the natural world. Its the path we have chosen, Im not saying its wrong but I dont necessarily believe its going to get us to a more advanced state any faster either.


This is way toooo 'deep' for a dog nutrition thread! lol


All just opinion as well of course, my points no more valid than your own. :thumbs:


:rofl: Yeah best not to hijack this chaps thread, but saving a truly great mind from succumbing to physical ailments can only benefit us all surely?

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