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law regarding squirrels

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Guest The Big Fish

I must have mis-interpretated your post mole catcher, i thought you were meaning that squirrels were exempt along side rats and rabbits.


My mistake, its been one of those days :laugh:

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Doesnt this prove just what im trying to say? if we leave it down to others to tell us what is and isnt law we are on a hiding to nothing.


My working life is govenered by such laws as the hunting act and the big and nasty countryside act. I for one wouldnt leave it to chance that what someone has told me on some internet forum or over a pint of beer to be gospel. ;)

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Guest The Big Fish

Indeed, actualy you could go one further and say that its the responsiblity of those choosing to pursue a "Hunting Life" to make themselves aware of the laws regarding such issues.

Edited by The Big Fish
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There is an important principle that people need to understand here that applies to a lot of legislation.


The acts such as Hunting With Dogs and Wildlife and Countryside tend to start from a basis of an outright ban and then work backwards.


For example hunting any mammals with dogs is banned. That's the start point that everyone should work from. However there are then 'exemptions' which are special cases where a particular activity is made legal - it's allowed.


So the way the law works is that if you can't find and evidence the 'exemption' to hunt under, it's illegal. There's no exemption for squirrels, mice, shrews or whales for that matter so you can't hunt them.


The Wildlife & Countryside Act works exactly the same way. You can't hunt, shoot, kill or steal eggs from birds. Full stop. That's the starting point.


Then there are the exemptions -


-the Game laws that allow certain birds to be taken in season.


- the general license that covers pigeon, crow, magpie, jay etc


- specific license granted to individuals for limited amounts and times e.g. cormorants.



When you shoot pigeon you are legal because you are doing it under the 'general licence' and must comply with the rules of that licence to be legal.



General rule - if you can't find where it says you can, you probably can't, not the other way round.

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top man john,got to go now as i getting up early to look for a few squirrels with my terriers,i blindfolding my dogs though,cheers mate,you made it simple to understand for everyone,including me,lol,and i as simple as they come,how about gooby gougers mate,can we hunt them with dogs or not?

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Indeed, actualy you could go one further and say that its the responsiblity of those choosing to pursue a "Hunting Life" to make themselves aware of the laws regarding such issues.





Couldnt agree more with you on that one :yes:

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Doesnt this prove just what im trying to say? if we leave it down to others to tell us what is and isnt law we are on a hiding to nothing.


My working life is govenered by such laws as the hunting act and the big and nasty countryside act. I for one wouldnt leave it to chance that what someone has told me on some internet forum or over a pint of beer to be gospel. ;)

big and nasty countryside act ? I can't fully agree with you there, yes there are issues when it comes to hunting sports etc, but the overall theme of the act gives good protection to some important species, especially rare birds. Legislation is almost impossible to make perfect and the law is always complicated, wouldn't it be great if it wasn't needed.

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What i was saying about the countryside act was just an example of how complex laws and acts can be. I AGREE WITH YOU laws of this kind are needed and as a full time pester it is such laws that if not understood fully can lead to a problem for the law breaker.

there is no easy way to accomerdate all within law. Hell, i for one wouldnt want to see it ever happen wher there is a free for all on all animals.

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