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True theres no ladder in the photo. At your age you can't be spoon fed all of the time.


The ladder clips into the hut. So the routine is .


Tow to location

Raise Hut

Extend ladder and clip into place

Climb ladder and enter hut

Stay all day.


When you've had your fill its just a matter of doing the above but in reverse. Simples.


And you said you were the brains of your outfit. :snack:

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Ahhh I see its one of those invisable ladders thats been half hitched while your up it is it.

Nothing like a structure secured to the floor on a more permanent basis though is it.


I cant remember saying that i was brains of my outfit as you imply , perhaps you could direct me to the forementioned quote that you refer to, I thought there was only one person on here with an elongated proboscis :boogy: I must be mistaken must be my age Harry :yes:

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An invisible ladder that still gets nicked whilst you're up it. :icon_eek:


I've heard of stretching the imagination but I think the band definitely broke on that one.


Said, implied, alluded to, intimated at, suggested, gave the impression that, mentioned, hinted. Does it matter which? ;)


How many shades of white do you think there might be? :hmm:


Permanently secured to a floor means permanently fixed, Permanently fixed means its no longer mobile. Sort of defeats the object of having it towable in the first place doesn't it? But you said that already.


Compromises have to be made in life Stu.

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An invisible ladder that still gets nicked whilst you're up it. :icon_eek:


I've heard of stretching the imagination but I think the band definitely broke on that one.


Said, implied, alluded to, intimated at, suggested, gave the impression that, mentioned, hinted. Does it matter which? ;)


How many shades of white do you think there might be? :hmm:


Permanently secured to a floor means permanently fixed, Permanently fixed means its no longer mobile. Sort of defeats the object of having it towable in the first place doesn't it? But you said that already.


Compromises have to be made in life Stu.








I am not really sure but the answer is best found here I would have thought.




Bottom line on this regarding high seats is unless you construct a more permanent structure the likes of a timber tower secured by ground anchors you are more than likely to get it nicked.

Any temporary structure like a high seat with a sitting frame on top secured to a tree will get stolen unless you install it and remove it in your presence which defeats the object of quiet approach so unless you have plenty of sponnies and are a trustful kind of person thinking that they are going to remain where you installed them and left then in all honesty they are likely to walk.


Timber leanto ones tend to be left alone as the scrap value isnt any consideration to a would be thief only another stalker would nick such a piece of gear ,and there are a few of those about from what I hear.

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Jeese 80 major shades of white FFS! If eskimos can have 50 words for snow I guess we can have 80 shades of white.


Anything can be nicked if the thief or thieves are motivated enough. Even bolted down high towers. Or to be more precise. They tend to get vandalised. The anti's took a chainsaw to one that I know of and simply cut 2 of the legs out from under it about 3 feet off the ground.


At lest mobile units can be removed at times of greatest risk, and the metal ones whilst of higher scrap value are less easily vandalised. Besides in trying to towing away one like i showed it's pretty hard to not get yourself noticed.


Some less than honest stalkers will try steal anything Stu, be that highseats, deer from across the boundary, or the permissions themselves. Only the odd one's then try to defend their actions, and I do mean odd

Edited by Greek Phil
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Jeese 80 major shades of white FFS! If eskimos can have 50 words for snow I guess we can have 80 shades of white.


Anything can be nicked if the thief or thieves are motivated enough. Even bolted down high towers. Or to be more precise. They tend to get vandalised. The anti's took a chainsaw to one that I know of and simply cut 2 of the legs out from under it about 3 feet off the ground.


At lest mobile units can be removed at times of greatest risk, and the metal ones whilst of higher scrap value are less easily vandalised. Besides in trying to towing away one like i showed it's pretty hard to not get yourself noticed.


Some less than honest stalkers will try steal anything Stu, be that highseats, deer from across the boundary, or the permissions themselves. Only the odd one's then try to defend their actions, and I do mean odd


Very true . Is it Cuntagous do you think? I think i spelled it correctly :whistling:

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So here you all are !!!.


Well no one will nick Caprelous's towers for sure, well not unless they have a Chinook !!.




Hello Geoff nice to see you have found us all :tongue2:


Your correct of course no one could nick our towers although there is individuals around who could nick a saddle off a nightmare :laugh: .


Usually I am told that those that have managed to climb them suffer a nose bleed and have to take an oxygen bottle as the airs that thin up there. although you didnt suffer any side effects when watching that doe and kid did you :D

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