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law on shooting 22 on golf course

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a golf course is not a public place it is a private property which in turn may be open to the public be it council owned or privately owned it is very much not public it would not be like land deemed commonage where everyone has equal right to be on the land be careful with that one or you might find yourself in the docks

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How do you know if you have an open ticket as i have looked at mine thouroughly and it doesnt say where i can shoot. i asked for my 22 rim fire to be used on vermin whereever i was asked and i also shoot, not on a golf course but on a football park with written permission from the groundsman. Should i seek approval from the police too ???, Del.

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How do you know if you have an open ticket as i have looked at mine thouroughly and it doesnt say where i can shoot. i asked for my 22 rim fire to be used on vermin whereever i was asked and i also shoot, not on a golf course but on a football park with written permission from the groundsman. Should i seek approval from the police too ???, Del.


It will say on your firearms ticket if its open something like "has the use of .22 rim fire and sound moderator for vermin and ground game over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot"


If it's not open there will be a reference to "over land deemed suitable by the chief police officer" or something like that.



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It says, The .22r/f rifle and the .22 sound moderator and ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and ground game and for zeroing on ranges or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot. So i take it that this means i can shoot wherever i have permission so long as obviously it is a safe place to shoot.

I.E Such as the football ground at night when no one is there or lamping on the golf course etc.This is what makes this site so good.Good information passed between each other and some sound advice where required, yis Del.

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I know a few people who shoot on Golf courses. One of the biggest issues is that you can only shoot when the course is empty of players which means either 3am on a summers morning or when the club house closes on a winters evening. That said, I have seen people playing with glow in the dark golf balls!

Golf course also seem to be a mecca for dog walkers and nature watches, oh and late night couples, surely they must have a bed to use? Cold damp grass just isn't my thing god I'm getting old.

I know one chap, who sets up on high ground, and shoots bunnies with his .223. He just stays put, takes sandwiches and tea. Only packing up when he spots the first signs of human life either pulling in to the car-park or walking dogs.

One of my mates used to use a golf buggy with a lamp attached and drive around the course at night, lazy git but I was proper jealous of him ;)



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It says, The .22r/f rifle and the .22 sound moderator and ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and ground game and for zeroing on ranges or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot. So i take it that this means i can shoot wherever i have permission so long as obviously it is a safe place to shoot.

I.E Such as the football ground at night when no one is there or lamping on the golf course etc.This is what makes this site so good.Good information passed between each other and some sound advice where required, yis Del.


Yes mate providing you have the landowners permission and you consider it safe to do so you can use the rim fire anywhere

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im not going to be using 22 fire arm, i will be using s410 air rifle. was just wondering as the people that were shooting there and still do some times,were using 22 rim

......ditch your s410 and get your FAC on the go......you will wish you had done it sooner :yahoo:

Edited by dave1372
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