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Where would this end, if muslims through their faith choose not to, drink, take drugs, watch porn and gamble thats their decision and their free choice , because in this country we've still got a free choice ( to a degree), but what if in these few boroughs muslims are allowed sharia law, would we have public stonings in the future for adulterers , burgalars losing hands ( dog thieves beware).

This country has laws which have been in force for hundreds of years, most for the good of the people, some a complete joke, this is a western country with western laws. As Mackem ,who is obviously well travelled, has pointed out muslims are hypicritical to there laws in their own countries let alone here, where all temptation is on tap, it would be a farce and I doubt many English muslims would want it any way.

Plus in one of the photos there's a ginger pasty English lad putting the poster up, what the F*ck is that all about.

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Could be henna dyed,and there are blonde,brown and reddish haired pakistanis,seen loads who look mediterranean because of alexander the greats macedonian's passing through,but the pasty-faced guy sticking up posters looks like a trendy-muslim,one of those who converts because its currently in vogue(not the mag).

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Yeah, no drink, drugs or music all the girls clad in black from head to toe, and a shed load of ginger blokes that want to kop off but aint allowed....... party on

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