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Freshwater fish,,, Smell & sight.

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Can someone tell me that when you are fishing for freshwater fish on lakes and rivers what do you think fish rely on the most, Smell, or sight ? And also at night do fish see better by night or do they rely on smell, This was a topic talked about last night with a few fishermen over a few pints. Would love to know,,


Thanks, Steve.

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Personally I believe that it depends on the clarity of the water in regards to sight feeding, on rivers. Trout rise to fly and take nymphs etc, when its presented to them in clear water, but will struggle to see fly on the surface, when the river is in spate. ( again this depends on the river ). If you put a spinner past their nose, they will take.

If your fishing a carp lake, that has a healthy head of fish, the water can colour very easily. The fish probably rely on smell to attract them to the bait, but then closer in can visibly make distinction between different baits by sight. ( again depending on the variables: Silt, Weed, Gravel.)

Barbel, chub and pike probably use both sight and smell on rivers.


Tough call... It all depends on the situation your fishing.

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