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Hiya guys. Im looking for a good small lamping dog. Quick over shortish distances. 100% Rabbits only, not interested in anything else, had a crack at that years ago. :whistling: No bull crosses. Been advised by a good dog man on a wippet collie greyhound. Can you please give me your opinions.


Many thanks........

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its all about the wippets, i used to have a wippetstaff, he was a bit heavy built for rabbits, but he was ok on them out of a motor (shorter courses)and he always gave it 110%

Edited by RustyG
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Your going to have a million answers on this one mate! Lol! If it were me making the choice i would say collie greyhound. Iv got one and he mullers rabbits! Iv also got a whippet with 1/8th beddy. He is only young so i cant really judge him yet but he shows good promise. Look at it this way: A collie gives a dog brains (in theory), a greyhound gives a bit of height and plenty of speed and a whippet gives acceleration and speed. So a collie whippet greyhound would be perfect (again in theory). However if your planning to work it hard with all day ferreting sessions followed by 5-6 hours a night lamping day and night after day and night i would say you also want a bit of saluki in there for stamina. If your not needing the stamina i would say a collie grey over a pure whippet would be the dog for you. If you are going to be working it hard then i would say a saluki greyhound or a saluki greyhound whippet over a pure whippet would be the dog for you.

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What type of ground do you hunt?........in small places a smaller dog is good but take them out onto more open ground and something with more leg may be required?..........jmho

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Why not look for something bred from dogs that are doing the business on the kind of ground you run on? Forget this or that cross: go lurcher to lurcher that has been bred to do what you want and never mind the cross. Something like this maybe? 22-23", speed freak with some brains, good drive and tough as old boots.



Bit of this, bit of that, but bred from smallish fast dogs with terrific take off and bottomless stamina.

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  On 30/07/2011 at 10:31, skycat said:

Why not look for something bred from dogs that are doing the business on the kind of ground you run on? Forget this or that cross: go lurcher to lurcher that has been bred to do what you want and never mind the cross. Something like this maybe? 22-23", speed freak with some brains, good drive and tough as old boots.



Bit of this, bit of that, but bred from smallish fast dogs with terrific take off and bottomless stamina.

Picture of a bitch ;)

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  On 30/07/2011 at 10:31, skycat said:

Why not look for something bred from dogs that are doing the business on the kind of ground you run on? Forget this or that cross: go lurcher to lurcher that has been bred to do what you want and never mind the cross. Something like this maybe? 22-23", speed freak with some brains, good drive and tough as old boots.



Bit of this, bit of that, but bred from smallish fast dogs with terrific take off and bottomless stamina.


Spot on Skycat, great advice :notworthy:

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a good lurcher x lurcher will do the job if you cant find a collie x whippet xgreyhound good luck with what ever you choose but remember its all about how much time and effort You put into the dog that will really count at the end of the day as im sure most lads /lasses on here will agree with

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