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i missed it tryed it every 5 min

Yep it's changed .... I don't like change! .... it seems to be running heavy tho - scrolling up and down is a jinky experience

Same here, got to say i don't like it one bit, sorry Ian but you'll just have to try again.

Get it sorted scum bag i have to wear a pair of sun glasses to veiw the forum and my post on the ratting thread has vanished like some other member's post's..can't you put a black back ground on with white writing.. :laugh: ..and change the fooking smilies option it's just took me half hour to do a 5min post.. :feck: .


Edited to add..where's the back to the top option Matey.


little arrow at the bottom :yahoo:

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I'll get on top of things.. this has eaten into two days of my existence :laugh:


Firstly this is still in progress but bottom left of the forum select the theme THL Fluid Easy, bit friendlier on the eyes for now..


Also millet very bottom of forum, small circle in centre click it to go back to top..

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i used to like it when you went to manage friends and could see when they were last online ..then you'd know if you missed them online or not...now doesnt show it so u have always be going onto peoples profilesto see...makes you look like a stalker... :blush:

apart from that im getting used to it and having no problems with speed and slowness like some people seem to be .. :hmm:

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I liked the fact i could alter the number of posts the site would load up. 40 posts per page, so many topics per page, so no, so on. Can't seem to be able to do that yet.......here's hoping.




I realise change is inevitable, but try and keep the better bits and upgrade the poor ones.


Can't copy and paste from another site/page either.

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i used to like it when you went to manage friends and could see when they were last online ..then you'd know if you missed them online or not...now doesnt show it so u have always be going onto peoples profilesto see...makes you look like a stalker... :blush:

apart from that im getting used to it and having no problems with speed and slowness like some people seem to be .. :hmm:


If you hover over a members name it shows you when they were last active on the forum without visiting their profile..

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i used to like it when you went to manage friends and could see when they were last online ..then you'd know if you missed them online or not...now doesnt show it so u have always be going onto peoples profilesto see...makes you look like a stalker... :blush:

apart from that im getting used to it and having no problems with speed and slowness like some people seem to be .. :hmm:


If you hover over a members name it shows you when they were last active on the forum without visiting their profile..


Thats cool that!, i was having lag problems wich have cleared in easy fluid mode :thumbs:

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Yes you can find all content and view posts, message etc without getting called a stalker..


I'm trying to keep everyone happy here, and people say why fix whats not broken..


A few reasons..


Security & Modern Internet


Why upgrade a PC or software or TV, because things move on, they evolve and improve..


I'm still working on issues and believe me I'd rather be getting a few drinks with mates on this fine summer night.. but needs must ..

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Yes you can find all content and view posts, message etc without getting called a stalker..


I'm trying to keep everyone happy here, and people say why fix whats not broken..


A few reasons..


Security & Modern Internet


Why upgrade a PC or software or TV, because things move on, they evolve and improve..


I'm still working on issues and believe me I'd rather be getting a few drinks with mates on this fine summer night.. but needs must ..


fair play mate :good: , just getting use to it, but got to careful with the mouse , i keep clicking the user's name instead of the feckin last thread :wallbash: might need new glasses lol :laugh:

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