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been attacked..

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Georgia you know yourself deep down not all dogs are like that one and you've handled reved up on a kill dogs and have been fine,so try to think about the good times you've had with dogs and your brain will come round in the end.It's just a self defence thing it's done to itself and you will be able to convince yourself of the truth that not all dogs are bad,have a rumage through your old photo's of you and the dogs together and i'm sure it'll help settle you.Get well soon .

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I couldnt answer about the other breeds but regards the apbt there seems to be this strange theory in recent years that game bred apbt,s are/were in some way great temperament trustworthy reliable dog

Couldnt agree more....i have always maintained the one thing that killed the apbt breed in this country was they became popular as pet dogs........i believe in an old saying with this breed which is..

that post makes absolutely no sense whatsoever....you can trust an aggressive dog???? trust it how exactly? that's like saying you can trust a yob who is going to stab you as long as you can see by

You can trust any dog, even the aggressive ones, as long as you know what you're doing and the warning signs. Very rarely does any animal not give off warning signs that they're unhappy but most people can't read their body language so things happen.

what a load of bollocks,tell that to the rodesian ridgeback that ripped the pants of me and mauled both of my knees

,the only body language he gave off was a waggy tale


A load of bollocks? Strange how many people who apparently work with animals and in the countryside etc are quick to paint one species the same colour. No better than the idiots who pass ridiculous laws in this country based on hearsay and public outcry...

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You can trust any dog, even the aggressive ones, as long as you know what you're doing and the warning signs. Very rarely does any animal not give off warning signs that they're unhappy but most people can't read their body language so things happen.

what a load of bollocks,tell that to the rodesian ridgeback that ripped the pants of me and mauled both of my knees

,the only body language he gave off was a waggy tale


A load of bollocks? Strange how many people who apparently work with animals and in the countryside etc are quick to paint one species the same colour. No better than the idiots who pass ridiculous laws in this country based on hearsay and public outcry...

i agree with you totally but what i,m saying is the dog that had me went from waggy dog to kill in the blink of an eye

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I understand mate but theres a number of things that people don't understand about dogs - if you have a naturally protective breed (ridgeback, rottie, shar pei etc) then there's no need to train them as guard dogs (unless obviously police, army etc), usually they end up too aggressive because the people who own them subsequently think that because they are 'trained', then they know exactly what to do in all situations. Secondly, the amount of lazy f*****g owners who can't be bothered to properly excercise their animal is unbelievable. A bored dog full of energy is a nightmare irrespective of the breed. Third, if you know your dog is highly protective or overly aggressive to strangers, muzzle it. Not too much to ask and it's also the law. Some humans were born to be arseholes, some dogs are the same. But most of these incidents can be attributed to the fact that the owner has taken on a breed that they know nothing about, and are incapable of looking after themselves, let alone an animal. I don't think it's fair when people make statements like 'you can never trust any dog.'

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I really hope you get well soon :thumbs:


the way i see it,if a dog i own bites me,then its my choice whether i get the dog put down.if it bites someone else i no longer have a choice.it needs pts.ive had a couple of aggressive dogs over the years and tbh thier a pain in the f*****g arse,not a joy to own imo.

Edited by scothunter
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I understand mate but theres a number of things that people don't understand about dogs - if you have a naturally protective breed (ridgeback, rottie, shar pei etc) then there's no need to train them as guard dogs (unless obviously police, army etc), usually they end up too aggressive because the people who own them subsequently think that because they are 'trained', then they know exactly what to do in all situations. Secondly, the amount of lazy f*****g owners who can't be bothered to properly excercise their animal is unbelievable. A bored dog full of energy is a nightmare irrespective of the breed. Third, if you know your dog is highly protective or overly aggressive to strangers, muzzle it. Not too much to ask and it's also the law. Some humans were born to be arseholes, some dogs are the same. But most of these incidents can be attributed to the fact that the owner has taken on a breed that they know nothing about, and are incapable of looking after themselves, let alone an animal. I don't think it's fair when people make statements like 'you can never trust any dog.'

i agree with that as well ,but you were talking about the body language of the dog,and that dog did,nt give any thing away

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recently i have been attacked on the face by a rottwiler, i now can not touch or even go nere a dog.. big or small.. i was just wondering if any one on here has been through this? and how has it effected you in anyway? i will leave pictures of before and after 25 stitches.. thanks for your time all the best georgia x http://i993.photobucket.com/albums/af54/xxbabypodgyexx/photo2.jpg



sorry to hear that but it could have been worse but you got lucky hope you make a speedy recovery.

Just take your time gaining trust in dogs again not all dogs are bad you have to remember that

get well soon atb


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I know what you're saying, some dogs don't, some people say they looked fine but in reality weren't looking when they mauled them in response to stepping on their paw (not saying you did!). There is always a reason that a dog attacks, and IMO it's usually the fault of the owner, that's all I'm saying.

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I know what you're saying, some dogs don't, some people say they looked fine but in reality weren't looking when they mauled them in response to stepping on their paw (not saying you did!). There is always a reason that a dog attacks, and IMO it's usually the fault of the owner, that's all I'm saying.

and some are just wired wrong

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some dogs are just naturally aggressive,and no matter how much it is trained properly it will always be a demon.a lot of times yes it is the owners fault,but these natural agressive dogs do exist,and should be hit over the head with a hammer at the first available opprtunity.

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Looks really sore hun hope it heals well once stitches are out start using bio oil out chemists and that will help fade any scars dramatically.I have been bitten fair few times working with dogs and around vets and with stressed out dogs whos owners are flipping their lid.I had some crackers been bitten 4 times now on the back of my thigh cos i have a habit of trying to trun side on to the dog.My dad got ragged by a shar pei last year right outside the school i had that dog here for nearly 2 weeks with no problems no hint of bother apart from he didnt like strange dogs outside was fine indoors and he just flipped no ryhme no reason and grabbed on tried to twist his collar and the f*****g thing snapped :blink: couldnt get him out the van at vets and they got dog pole out and jabbed him with a sedative so we could do what had to be done shame was a young dog seemed a cracker as well but i dont put trust in any dog theyre all capable


you seem to have a lot of dogs pass your through your hands


Funny enough when you rescue them and work for a pet ambulance and at least 12 differant vets covering 100 mile radius then yeah you get a lot of dogs passing through your hands :feck: Ive fostered for differant rescues do it on my own as well and i work hard i vaccinate and microchip and neuter the dogs coming through here if theyre old enough i also rehome to working homes as well as pet ones before you ask anymore silly f*****g qeustions

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