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beagle bitch

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shes lovely...love beagles ...when we puppy walked two for hunt had to keep them coupled just to control them they were so good they won puppy show :yes: ..hope u find her a good home and she can keep doing what she obviously loves.. :thumbs:

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shes lovely...love beagles ...when we puppy walked two for hunt had to keep them coupled just to control them they were so good they won puppy show :yes: ..hope u find her a good home and she can keep doing what she obviously loves.. :thumbs:

thankyou we tend to keep her and her mother coupled while exercising but she drags her with her (although she does'nt need too much encouragment to go) ha ha i have a young tri colour and he is very obedient and starting to work well to a whistle and i don't want her to ruin him the older hounds ignore her but he might get peer pressure of her.atb :thumbs:

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shes lovely...love beagles ...when we puppy walked two for hunt had to keep them coupled just to control them they were so good they won puppy show :yes: ..hope u find her a good home and she can keep doing what she obviously loves.. :thumbs:

thankyou we tend to keep her and her mother coupled while exercising but she drags her with her (although she does'nt need too much encouragment to go) ha ha i have a young tri colour and he is very obedient and starting to work well to a whistle and i don't want her to ruin him the older hounds ignore her but he might get peer pressure of her.atb :thumbs:

yep same thing happened my parents they have one wild pointer which now all the other three follow and getting her bad habbits chasing birds and rabbits ...funny though we had 3 retired hounds from hunt and they were no bother it was like they decided to retire in their head one went missing once for couple hours came back bitten on nose ..lol apart from that no problem and you'd think theyd be uncontrolable..atb

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