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game bag help

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I found that when lamping or ferreting with a back pack if you where picking up stuff ,you would get hit on the back of the head with the rabbits slipping out and im long past that kink where i want hit on the head with a dead rabbit

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When you use the rucksack you have seperate bags inside so on the treck out and back it is easy to carry and when you are ready to lay nets or bag rabbits you take the smaller bags out and sling them over your shoulder. I find it more comfortable and easier to move.

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My back back swing around onto one shoulder, so it's across my chest for netting up. Seem to work for me, or as said, my partner sticks his net bag into the back pack and removes it when netting.

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Well guys some interesting coments I got a new one at the game fair, it was a good one this year I could of spent a fortune real good stalls here's what I got , new ferreting socks 3 pairs for a fiver , waxed waterproof legings ten pounds , new game bag 19 pounds , fleece lined shirt 13 pounds , new nife 35 pounds , moel skin flat cap ten pounds , will post pic of game bag later

Edited by Jamie m
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