mintstick999 485 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 What a load crap last night programme was, to think they took pigs off other duties just to try and catch a few guys having a bit of late night fun, wankers the lot of them, get real you twatting pigs. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Bogger 243 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 this program is very good for the antis anyone that was neutral to hunting will now see a lamp and call the police because they will imagin some poor creature getting "ripped apart" illegaly so any lads lamping legaly will get hassle and some will be put off going so well done antis Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Cameron Burns 1 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 i do like how they come to the most absurd assumptions on the show, like at the snare in the fence. there was a hole cut out of the fence, then they find wire cutters. i thought oh well that was what he used to cut the wire and trim the snare edges. but no they are now used to cut the dead animal from the f*c*ing snare, a snare is a slip loop why the hell would you be sure enough you would need them everytime that you left them nearby, hidden under leaves and not been moved for ages. i give up with these antis they look at evertything as having something to do with animal cruelty. i mean seriously 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,826 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 I knew it would come and next week it looks like it is, Badger Baiting! I've got a feeling next weeks episode will do more damage than all of the others put together. If they actually mention that terrier work can be carried out legally for fox control I'll be staggered! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mackem 27,781 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 The smarmy neanderthal cop "we have taken their airguns off them for testing....That will inconvenience them" what a plum,the lads were apologetic,polite,werent actually commiting any offence whatsoever but PC's Dumb and dumber werent having it,I hope his wife is shagging around while he is on nights. 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wag 13 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 Well it should be "wildlife lies" absolute pathetic.........the statement that was made about the wire cutters being used to cut a writhing animal from the snare,yet 20 seconds previous he stated that the animal is shot in the snare? So which one is it ? The police in yorkshire looking for lampers found a man.....he was shining a lamp up in the trees they said,then claimed they could be deer poachers.........since when do deer live in trees???? unless they meant unicorns as they have wings so i'm lead to believe !!!!! Why did they take airguns off the young lads? they were bullied by the police,showing what they really are....mis-informed idiots! The officer stated they were in the boot and in slips,so what was the problem? Why take them off them?... Maybe the officer wasnt loved as a child no law was being broken! The amount of money it cost for 18 cars and 2 officers in each car to take a few air guns off lads that were not even caught shooting ? Why dont they do a series on paedophiles living in towns and near schools?? or maybe a documentary on animal rights activists exhuming the dead corpses of parents of farmers that own guinea pig farms or maybe about activists breaking into mink farms and setting them loose into the countryside and total destroying the wildlife such as poultry water voles and so on .. for miles around which will have a life time affect on that area or is that too controversial for them to show on prime time TV . pathetic waste of time,money and prime time tv to mis-inform joe public that when a lamp shines even if it is in the trees they are deer poaching!!! And you ask why britain is the way it is..........years ago we used to have an empire and it was run by an emperor,then we had a kingdom and it was run by a we have a country and its ran by a c**t! .. i hope BASC and the COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE have something to say about this because they are making it out that everyone in country sports is breaking the law Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mackem 27,781 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 Why dont they do a series on paedophiles living in towns and near schools?? or maybe a documentary on............Bent coppers,pedophilic coppers,drug-dealing coppers,fraudulent coppers.............. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 Couldn't bring myself to watch the shite, I just knew it would end up winding me up.. i hope BASC and the COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE have something to say about this because they are making it out that everyone in country sports is breaking the law Wag, they won't say a word pal, as usual.. Totally agreed with the rest of your post too. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stewie 3,387 Posted August 3, 2011 Report Share Posted August 3, 2011 can some post a link Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lunita 57 Posted August 4, 2011 Report Share Posted August 4, 2011 i missed it this week ..mum said was in our town in south yorks so il have to check it thought was a quite law abiding Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Greek Phil 5 Posted August 5, 2011 Report Share Posted August 5, 2011 i hope BASC and the COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE have something to say about this because they are making it out that everyone in country sports is breaking the law I've not seen any of this TV series. So can't comment on the various incidences. Presumably all those apprehended were, had been, or were suspected of committing some offence. Be that a criminal offence i.e contravention of the Hunting Act, armed trespass, trespass in the pursuit of game or a civil offence i.e trespass. Of course the editing, will have a certain bias. Few is any programs aren't biased. If it gets more wildlife crimes, and criminal acts reported, great. Wildlife crime and rural crime have for to long been seen as poor cousins to urban crime. Not be those living and working in the countryside though. Those involved with legitimate activities have nothing to be overly concerned about. Apart from perhaps some minor inconveniences from an enthusiastic but misinformed police officer and his crew. As an earlier post has show those caught breaking the law in one regard, Will have more often as not broken the law in other ways. be that motoring, firearms or simply not paid previous fines. BASC and the CA realised many years ago that you can't defend the indefensible. You just get into a mud slinging match if you try. Enough mud sticks to legitimate country sports men due to the activities of a criminal minority as it is. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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