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If she isn't acting like a normal pup of her age then straight to the vets mate.

If she is really bright, happy & playful then it sounds like a food intollerance..................


Most common cause in dogs is wheat gluten, it's not the only cause but i'd suggest giving it no mixer biscuits or dry food that isn't "wheat gluten free" or something specifically designed for those with a sensitive digestion. If she firms up after 24-48 hours then you've narrowed it to a food problem and you'll need to keep it on a food that suits her.


Given that she's so young she stands every chance of growing out of it as she matures. I had the worst food intolerant dog ever from when he arrived at 14 weeks old, wheat gluten diet for sensitive digestion and nothing else til he was 12 months old then slowly gave him nibbles of other foods and his digestion was much stronger and able to cope with other things.


ATB with her. BTW give Superdog sensitive a go first as it was the only thing mine could eat, fairly priced and even though it's not a puppy food mine thrived on it and grew to be a very big lad indeed so didn't stunt his growth or development in any way ;)

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